
AMD is a Lidarr companion script to automatically download music for Lidarr

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

AMD - Automated Music Downloader

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RandomNinjaAtk/amd is a Lidarr companion script to automatically download music for Lidarr


Audio (AMD) + Video (AMVD) (Plex Example)


  • Downloading Music using online sources for use in popular applications (Plex/Kodi/Emby/Jellyfin):
    • Searches for downloads based on Lidarr's album wanted list
    • Downloads using a third party download client automatically
    • FLAC / MP3 (320/120) Download Quality
    • Notifies Lidarr to automatically import downloaded files
    • Music is properly tagged and includes coverart before Lidarr Receives them (Third Party Download Client handles it)

Supported Architectures

The architectures supported by this image are:

Architecture Tag
x86-64 latest

Version Tags

Tag Description
latest Newest release code


Container images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above). These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate <external>:<internal> respectively. For example, -p 8080:80 would expose port 80 from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port 8080 outside the container. See the wiki to understand how it works.

Parameter Function
-v /config Configuration files for Lidarr.
-v /downloads-amd Path to your download folder location. (DO NOT DELETE, this is a required path) :: !!!IMPORTANT!!! Map this exact volume mount to your Lidarr Container for everything to work properly!!!
-e PUID=1000 for UserID - see below for explanation
-e PGID=1000 for GroupID - see below for explanation
-e AUTOSTART=true true = Enabled :: Runs script automatically on startup
-e SCRIPTINTERVAL=1h #s or #m or #h or #d :: s = seconds, m = minutes, h = hours, d = days :: Amount of time between each script run, when AUTOSTART is enabled
-e DOWNLOADMODE=wanted wanted or artist :: wanted mode only download missing/cutoff :: artist mode downloads all albums by an artist (requires lidarr volume mapping root media folders for import)
-e LIST=both both or missing or cutoff :: both = missing + cutoff :: missng = lidarr missing list :: cutoff = lidarr cutoff list
-e SearchType=both both or artist or fuzzy :: both = artist + fuzzy searching :: artist = only artist searching :: fuzzy = only fuzzy searching (Various Artist is always fuzzy searched, regardless of setting)
-e Concurrency=1 Number of concurrent downloads
-e EMBEDDED_COVER_QUALITY=80 Controls the quality of the cover image compression in percentage, 100 = no compression
-e BITRATE=320 FLAC -> OPUS/AAC/MP3 will be converted using this bitrate (MP3 320/128 is native, not converted)
-e FORCECONVERT=false true = enabled :: This will convert lossy MP3 to desired target format (exluding FLAC/ALAC, ALAC will convert to AAC)
-e requirequality=false true = enabled :: Requires all downloaded files match target file extension (mp3 or flac) when enabled
-e MatchDistance=10 Set as an integer, the higher the number, the more lienet it is. Example: A match score of 0 is a perfect match :: For more information, this score is produced using this function: Algorithm Implementation/Strings/Levenshtein distance
-e replaygain=true true = enabled :: Scans and analyzes files to add replaygain tags to song metadata
-e FolderPermissions=766 Based on chmod linux permissions
-e FilePermissions=666 Based on chmod linux permissions
-e MBRAINZMIRROR=https://musicbrainz.org OPTIONAL :: Only change if using a different mirror
-e MBRATELIMIT=1 OPTIONAL: musicbrainz rate limit, musicbrainz allows only 1 connection per second, max setting is 10 :: Set to 101 to disable limit
-e LidarrUrl=http://x.x.x.x:8686 Set domain or IP to your Lidarr instance including port. If using reverse proxy, do not use a trailing slash. Ensure you specify http/s.
-e LidarrAPIkey=LIDARRAPI Lidarr API key.
-e ARL_TOKEN=ARLTOKEN User token for dl client, for instructions to obtain token: https://notabug.org/RemixDevs/DeezloaderRemix/wiki/Login+via+userToken
-e NOTIFYPLEX=false true = enabled :: ONLY APPLIES ARTIST MODE :: Plex must have a music library added and be configured to use the exact same mount point as Lidarr's root folder
-e PLEXLIBRARYNAME=Music This must exactly match the name of the Plex Library that contains the Lidarr Media Folder data
-e PLEXURL=http://x.x.x.x:32400 ONLY used if NOTIFYPLEX is enabled...
-e PLEXTOKEN=plextoken ONLY used if NOTIFYPLEX is enabled...
-e ALBUM_TYPE_FILTER=COMPILE Filter Types: COMPILE, SINGLE, ALBUM, EP (this is a ", " separated list of Album Types to skip) (Applicable to artist mode only)
-e POSTPROCESSTHREADS=1 Controls number of threads used for Format conversion and replaygain tagging


Here are some example snippets to help you get started creating a container.


docker create \
  --name=amd \
  -v /path/to/config/files:/config \
  -v /path/to/downloads:/downloads-amd \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e AUTOSTART=true \
  -e DOWNLOADMODE=wanted \
  -e LIST=both \
  -e SearchType=both \
  -e Concurrency=1 \
  -e BITRATE=320 \
  -e FORCECONVERT=false \
  -e requirequality=false \
  -e MatchDistance=10 \
  -e replaygain=true \
  -e FolderPermissions=766 \
  -e FilePermissions=666 \
  -e MBRAINZMIRROR=https://musicbrainz.org \
  -e LidarrUrl=http://x.x.x.x:8686 \
  -e LidarrAPIkey=LIDARRAPI \
  -e NOTIFYPLEX=false \
  -e PLEXURL=http://x.x.x.x:8686 \
  -e PLEXTOKEN=plextoken \
  --restart unless-stopped \


Compatible with docker-compose v2 schemas.

version: "2.1"
    image: randomninjaatk/amd 
    container_name: amd
      - /path/to/config/files:/config
      - /path/to/downloads:/downloads-amd
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - AUTOSTART=true
      - DOWNLOADMODE=wanted
      - LIST=both
      - SearchType=both
      - Concurrency=1
      - BITRATE=320
      - FORCECONVERT=false
      - requirequality=false
      - MatchDistance=10
      - replaygain=true
      - FolderPermissions=766
      - FilePermissions=666
      - MBRAINZMIRROR=https://musicbrainz.org
      - LidarrUrl=http://x.x.x.x:8686
      - LidarrAPIkey=LIDARRAPI
      - NOTIFYPLEX=false
      - PLEXURL=http://x.x.x.x:8686
      - PLEXTOKEN=plextoken
    restart: unless-stopped

Script Information

  • Script will automatically run when enabled, if disabled, you will need to manually execute with the following command:
    • From Host CLI: docker exec -it amd /bin/bash -c 'bash /config/scripts/download.bash'
    • From Docker CLI: bash /config/scripts/download.bash


  • /config/scripts
    • Contains the scripts that are run
  • /config/logs
    • Contains the log output from the script
  • /config/cache
    • Contains the artist data cache to speed up processes
  • /config/deemix
    • Contains deemix app data

Lidarr Configuration Recommendations

Media Management Settings:

  • Disable Track Naming
    • Disabling track renaming enables synced lyrics that are imported as extras to be utilized by media players that support using them

Track Naming:

  • Artist Folder: {Artist Name}{ (Artist Disambiguation)}
  • Album Folder: {Artist Name}{ - ALBUM TYPE}{ - Release Year} - {Album Title}{ ( Album Disambiguation)}


  • Enable Import Extra Files
    • lrc,jpg,png

File Management

  • Change File Date: Album Release Date


  • Enable Set Permissions
