
TokenFarm contract allows users to stake and unstake ACCEPTED tokens only. User will receive Dapp token as incentive for staking

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TokenFarm contract allows users to stake and unstake ACCEPTED tokens only. User will receive Dapp token as incentive for staking

//TokenFarm contract allows users to stake and unstake ACCEPTED tokens only. //They will receiove Dapp token as incentive for staking //Users can unstake their tokens and the contract will keep track of the value of each token staked. //Uses Chainlink Aggregator, pricefeed to get value of tokens. //Allows users to get the exact value of the amount of tokens staked whether its DAI,ETH, and other apprvoed tokens

//Updates: test.js files need updates //Updates: When user unstakes tokens they should be removed from the stakers list.

Truffle configured to run on Ropsten network:

  1. create .env file - npm install dotenv --save
  2. MNEMONIC - "paste your MNEMONIC in the dotenv file"
  3. Instead of (2) create MNEMONIC variable in Truffle-config file. Replace "process.env.MNEMONIC" with MNEMONIC variable.
  4. Set your infura-ropsten endpoint as well.