
Python bindings to hashicorp/hcl parser

Primary LanguageGo


Python wrapper for hashicorp/hcl (v2).


The following versions are supported - 3.6, 3.7, 3.8.


pip install pygohcl


>>> import pygohcl
>>> pygohcl.loads("""variable "docker_ports" {
...   type = list(object({
...     internal = number
...     external = number
...     protocol = string
...   }))
...   default = [
...     {
...       internal = 8300
...       external = 8300
...       protocol = "tcp"
...     }
...   ]
... }""")
{'variable': {'docker_ports': {'default': [{'external': 8300, 'internal': 8300, 'protocol': 'tcp'}], 'type': 'list(object({internal=numberexternal=numberprotocol=string}))'}}}

Building locally

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/danielholdsworth/pygohcl $HOME/pygohcl

You can use the following commands to build a wheel for your platform:

pip install wheel
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
cd $HOME/pygohcl
run ./build-wheel.sh
pip3 install pygohcl --no-index -f "./dist/"

The wheel will be available in ./dist/.