
TF module to provision an extra Node Pool for a GKE cluster

Primary LanguageHCL

GKE Node Pool


module "k8s" {
  source  = "git@github.com:dansible/terraform-google_gke_infra.git?ref=v0.5.1"
  name    = "${var.team_name}"
  region  = "${var.region}"
  project = "${var.project}"

module "node_pool" {
  source          = "git@github.com:dansible/terraform-google_gke_node_pool.git?ref=v0.0.1"
  name            = "${var.team_name}"
  region          = "${var.region}"
  project         = "${var.project}"
  cluster         = "${module.k8s.cluster_name}
  service_account = "${module.k8s.service_account}"

NOTE: All parameters are configurable. Please see below for information on each configuration option.


For more info, please see the variables file.

Required Variables

Variable Description
name Name to use as a prefix to all the resources.
region The region that hosts the cluster. Each node will be put in a different availability zone in the region for HA.
cluster The cluster to create the node pool for.
service_account The service account to be used by the Node VMs. Can be taken as output from gke_infra module.

Optional Variables

Variable Description Default
project The ID of the google project to which the resource belongs. Value configured in gcloud client.
k8s_version Default K8s versions for API and Node. 1.11
initial_node_count The initial node count for the pool. 3
max_pods_per_node The maximum number of pods per node in this node pool. 110
autoscaling_nodes_min Minimum number of nodes to create in each zone. Must be >=1 and <= autoscaling_nodes_max. 1
autoscaling_nodes_max Maximum number of nodes to create in each zone. Must be >= autoscaling_nodes_min. 3
enable_auto_repair Whether the nodes will be automatically repaired. true
auto_upgrade Whether the nodes will be automatically upgraded. true
disk_size Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB. 20
disk_type Type of the disk attached to each node (e.g. 'pd-standard' or 'pd-ssd'). pd-standard
node_image The image type to use for this node. Note that changing the image type will delete and recreate all nodes in the node pool. COS
local_ssd_count The amount of local SSD disks that will be attached to each cluster node. 0
machine_type The Google Compute Engine machine type to use for the nodes. n1-standard-1
preemptible_nodes Whether to enable Premptible nodes. true
node_metadata How to expose the node metadata to the workload running on the node. SECURE
oauth_scopes The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs under the default service account. see vars file
node_tags The list of instance tags applied to all nodes. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls. []

Output Variables

Variable Description
node_pool_name The name of the node pool.
