
Terraform module to install any Helm chart onto a K8s cluster

Primary LanguageHCL

Helm Chart

This Terraform module installs a Helm chart on a K8s cluster. It is useful for overcoming the limitations of the main Helm release resource when you want to spin up a cluster and use it as a provider for k8s resources within the same Terraform plan.


Here are a few different examples for how to use this module:


module "cert-manager" {
  source     = "git@github.com:dansible/terraform-null-helm-chart.git?ref=v0.0.2"

  # This is assumed to be the output of the GKE module but can be any Kubeconfig
  kubeconfig  = "${module.k8s.kubeconfig}"

  # This is used to manage install/uninstall process
  enabled    = true

  # This is assumed to be the output of the Helm install module but can be any TF resource
  depends_on = "${module.helm.dependency}"

  name          = "certmanager"
  chart_name    = "stable/cert-manager"
  chart_version = "0.5.2"
  namespace     = "kube-system"
  values            = "${file("values.yaml")}"

  helm-extra-args   = "--set resources.requests.cpu=10m --set resources.requests.memory=32Mi --set resources.limits.cpu=50m --set resources.limits.memory=128Mi"

  pre-install-cmds  = ""
  post-install-cmds = ""
  pre-destroy-cmds  = ""

  # Delete any remaining CRDs created by the cert-manager chart
  post-destroy-cmds = "kubectl delete customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io certificates.certmanager.k8s.io clusterissuers.certmanager.k8s.io issuers.certmanager.k8s.io"


module "vault" {
  source        = "git@github.com:dansible/terraform-null-helm-chart.git?ref=v0.0.2"
  kubeconfig     = "${module.k8s.kubeconfig}"
  enabled       = true
  depends_on    = ["${module.helm.dependency}"]
  name          = "vault"
  chart_name    = "."
  chart_version = "0.0.1"
  namespace     = "default"

  helm-extra-args  = "--set consul.affinity=\"\""
  pre-install-cmds  = <<EOF
if [ ! -d vault-helm ] ; then git clone https://github.com/helm/charts.git ; fi
cd charts/incubator/vault/
  pre-destroy-cmds  = ""
  post-destroy-cmds = ""


module "fluentbit" {
  source            = "git@github.com:dansible/terraform-null-helm-chart.git?ref=v0.0.2"
  kubeconfig         = "${module.k8s.kubeconfig}"
  enabled           = true
  depends_on        = ["${module.helm.dependency}"]
  name              = "fluentbit"
  chart_name        = "lms-helm-charts/fluent-bit"
  chart_version     = "0.10.0"
  namespace         = "infra"
  pre-install-cmds  = "${file("${path.module}/fluent-bit.sh")}"
  values            = "${data.vault_generic_secret.fluentbit-values.data_json}"

Contents of fluent-bit.sh:

set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset

if ! helm plugin list | grep s3 > /dev/null; then
  helm plugin install https://github.com/hypnoglow/helm-s3.git

if helm repo list | grep private-helm-charts > /dev/null; then
  helm repo update
  helm repo add lms-helm-charts s3://private-helm-charts/

set +o errexit
set +o pipefail
set +o nounset


For more info, please see the variables file.

Variable Description Default
kubeconfig Kubeconfig for cluster in which Helm will be installed. (Required)
enabled Whether to enable this module. Set to false to properly uninstall the chart. true
name The name to assign to the chart & temporary resources. certmanager
chart_name The name of the chart to install. stable/cert-manager
chart_version Version of Tiller component. Must match the Helm cli on the machine executing Terraform. 0.5.2
namespace The namespace to install the chart to. default
helm-extra-args Extra arguments to pass to helm command. ""
values Content of Helm values file rendered as a string. ""
pre-install-cmds Custom commands to run before installing the chart. ""
post-install-cmds Custom commands to run after installing the chart. ""
pre-destroy-cmds Custom commands to run before destroying the chart. ""
post-destroy-cmds Custom commands to run after destroying the chart. ""

Dependency Variables

This module exposes two variables to work around the limitations of module dependencies in Terraform.

Name Type Description
depends_on list variable Dummy variable to enable module dependencies.
dependency list output Dummy output to enable module dependencies.

Using these two, you can emulate the functionality of depends_on by chaining one module's dependency output to another's depends_on input.

