
Bootstrap a Flask project on Ubuntu Trusty, with Puppet, Vagrant and Fabric.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to my opinionated, lightweight Flask project template.

Quick start

  1. After installing Vagrant, create and boot the VM inside this directory:

     vagrant up
  2. SSH to the VM:

     vagrant ssh
  3. Run your app:

     fab run

You will have a running app listening on http://localhost:5000/ at this point.


After initial boot, you should:

  • Freeze the newly-installed pip packages at their versions:

      pip freeze > requirements.txt
  • Set the SECRET_KEY for each environment in app/config/.


*nix-flavoured OS.

What's included

The following software will be installed and configured automatically:


Licenced under the MIT licence (see LICENCE), so go ahead and fork this!


Originally based on https://gist.github.com/urschrei/2666927.