
Silex extension to read php ini files

Primary LanguagePHP


Silex extension to read php .ini files used for configurations.


Here is an example of its usage.

We have this .ini file:

options.driver  = "pdo_pgsql"
options.dbname  = "name"
options.host    = "localhost"
options.user    = "myuser"
options.password = "mysecretpass"
dbal.class_path = "%basepath%/vendor/doctrine/lib/vendor/doctrine-dbal/lib/"
common.class_path = "%basepath%/vendor/doctrine/lib/vendor/doctrine-common/lib/"
orm.class_path = "%basepath%/vendor/doctrine/lib/"

And the index.php:

require 'phar://silex.phar/autoload.php';

$app = new Silex\Application();

// configure the autoloader to find the extension classes
$app['autoloader']->registerNamespace('ConfigExtension', __DIR__.'/../vendor/ConfigExtension/src');

$app->register(new \ConfigExtension\Extension\ConfigExtension(), array(
    // specify the .ini file to read
    'config.path' =>  __DIR__ . '/../config/app.ini',
    // and the var replacements
    'config.replacements' => array('basepath' => __DIR__ )

// retrieve just one value form teh config file
$db_name = $app['config']->get('db.name');

// adds all the specified section to the silex application
$app['config']->registerSection($app, 'db');

// $app['db.options.driver'] now has pdo_pgsql

$app->get('/', function () use ($app)
    return var_export($app['config']->getSection('db'), true);


Visiting '/' shows:

array (
  'db.options.driver' => 'pdo_pgsql',
  'db.options.dbname' => 'name',
  'db.options.host' => 'localhost',
  'db.options.user' => 'myuser',
  'db.options.password' => 'mysecredpass',
  'db.dbal.class_path' => '/Users/alinares/Sites/test/vendor/doctrine-dbal/lib/',
  'db.common.class_path' => '/Users/alinares/Sites/test/vendor/doctrine/lib/vendor/doctrine-common/lib/',
  'db.orm.class_path' => '/Users/alinares/Sites/test/vendor/doctrine/lib/',