
An archival copy of Newman's Dualfoil 5.1

Primary LanguageFortran


This is not at all my work, but rather the fantastic product of Professor John Newman's Lab at UC Berkeley. I am creating a copy here as

  1. Version 5.1 is no longer readily available at his website
  2. Version 5.2 compiles oddly for me today

I made some python helper files

They depend heavily on a pithy install (best to use docker repo)

Per Original Site:

You may make a copy of this program which you may personally and freely use in its unaltered form. You may make changes for your own personal use to dualfoil.f's material database located in subroutines ekin (electrodes) and prop (electrolytes). You may distribute this program subject to the conditions that it stays free of charge and that any duplication of this program must be essentially unaltered and must include this notice. We make no warranties, expressed or implied, that this program is free of errors or that it will meet the requirements of your application. The author and publisher disclaim all liability for direct or consequential damages resulting from use of this program.