An effort from the IC community and Dfinity to create an official Token Standard for the IC

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ICRC-1 Token Standard

The ICRC-1 is a standard for Fungible Tokens on the Internet Computer.



A principal can have multiple accounts. Each account of a principal is identified by a 32-byte string called subaccount. Therefore an account corresponds to a pair (principal, subaccount).

The account identified by the subaccount with all bytes set to 0 is the default account of the principal.

type Subaccount = blob;
type Account = record { of: principal; subaccount: opt Subaccount; };



Returns the name of the token (e.g., MyToken).

icrc1_name : () -> (text) query;


Returns the symbol of the token (e.g., ICP).

icrc1_symbol : () -> (text) query;


Returns the number of decimals the token uses (e.g., 8 means to divide the token amount by 100000000 to get its user representation).

icrc1_decimals : () -> (nat8) query;


Returns the list of metadata entries for this ledger. See the "Metadata" section below.

type Value = variant { Nat : nat; Int : int; Text : text; Blob : blob };

icrc1_metadata : () -> (vec { record { text; Value } }) query;


Returns the total token supply.

icrc1_total_supply : () -> (nat) query;


Returns the balance of the account given as argument.

icrc1_balance_of : (Account) -> (nat) query;


Transfers amount of tokens from the account (caller, from_subaccount) to the Account. The fee is paid by the caller.

type TransferArgs = record {
    from_subaccount: opt Subaccount;
    to: Account;
    amount: nat;
    fee: opt nat;
    memo: opt nat64;
    created_at_time: opt Timestamp;

icrc1_transfer : (TransferArgs) -> (variant { Ok: nat; Err: TransferError; });

The result is either the block index of the transfer or an error.


Returns the list of standards this ledger implements. See the "Extensions" section below.

icrc1_supported_standards : () -> (vec record { name : text; url : text }) query;

The result of the call should always have at least one entry,

record { name = "ICRC-1"; url = "https://github.com/dfinity/ICRC-1" }


The base standard intentionally excludes some ledger functions essential for building a rich DeFi ecosystem, for example:

  • Reliable transaction notifications for smart contracts.
  • The block structure and the interface for fetching blocks.
  • Pre-signed transactions.

The standard defines the icrc1_supported_standards endpoint to accommodate these and other future extensions. This endpoint returns names of all specifications (e.g., "ICRC-42" or "DIP-20") implemented by the ledger.


A ledger can expose metadata to simplify integration with wallets and improve user experience. The client can use the icrc1_metadata method to fetch the metadata entries. All the metadata entries are optional.

Key format

The metadata keys are arbitrary unicode strings and must follow the pattern <namespace>:<key>, where <namespace> is a string not containing colons. Namespace icrc1 is reserved for keys defined in this standard.

Standard metadata entries

Key Example value Semantics
icrc1:symbol variant { Text = "XTKN" } The token currency code (see ISO-4217). When present, should be the same as the result of the symbol query call.
icrc1:name variant { Text = "Test Token" } The name of the token. When present, should be the same as the result of the name query call.
icrc1:decimals variant { Nat = 8 } The number of decimals the token uses. For example, 8 means to divide the token amount by 108 to get its user representation. When present, should be the same as the result of the decimals query call.