
Generators for generating UI.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


NOTE: This is in development. This README specifies the functionality that we want to build for Regenerate. To date, a gem has not been released.

When you started Rails, you saw generators and said “Wow, that’s freaking awesome.” Then you started building complex applications. Maybe there wasn’t a 1 to 1 relationship between views and models, or maybe you started using Backbone.js or Ember.js and need to use JS templating such as EJS or Handlebars.

Whatever the reason, scaffolding lost its luster. Until now.

Regenerate wants you to fall in love with template generation again. Here is what we want to accomplish:

  • Template generators should be modifiable. (ie: you want Twitter Bootstrap specific generators)

  • Regenerate should allow you to have theme plugins

  • You should be able to specify the format (ERB, EJS, Handlebars) of the resulting file

  • You should be able to specify the output path (put the template where you want it)

  • You should be able to create a model-less templates

  • You should be able to print the template to terminal to copy and paste where you want it


gem 'regenerate'


By default, regenerate will create templates based the template format found within Rails. There are two ways to create your themes/templates. The first is to have the gem copy the templates to your application where you can modify them. The templates will be placed in app/regenerate

rails g regenerate:views

The second way is to create a gem that overrides the templates provided with the regenerate gem.

Scaffold Generation

Much like standard Rails development, you should be able to create scaffold templates with the theme you’ve created

rails g regenerate:scaffold entry title:string body:text

Furthermore, you should be able to create the HTML model-less

rails g regenerate:scaffold entry title:string body:text --without-model

Form Generation

You should be able to generate forms individually, without having to create anything else

rails g regenerate:form entry title:string body:text

You should also be able to generate the form without a model

rails g regenerate:form entry title:string body:text --without-model

You should also be able to generate the form in EJS or Handlebars. When generating with a JS specific template, the model will not be generated.

rails g regenerate:form entry title:string body:text --handlebars

Listing Generation

You should be able to generate listing pages individually without having to create anything else. You should be able to specify the columns you want in the template

rails g regenerate:listing entry title blog


Regenerate has been tested using Cucumber. To run the tests, run the following command


Found a bug?

If you are having a problem with Regenerate, first look at the FAQs above. If you still cannot resolve it, please submit an issue here.


Change Log


Copyright 2011 Entropi Software, LLC.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0