Log My Time

Basic time logging tool.




Running with docker

First create the config/app_config.py, then start on http://localhost:4000/ via docker

# Dev mode
docker-compose up -d --build app

# Prod mode
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build

Install dependencies locally

Requires python 3.12

# Install JS linter
npm install

# Install python deps with pipenv
pipenv install --categories="packages dev-packages local-packages"

# Start a pipenv shell
pipenv shell

Connecting to the database

./tools/ctl sql

Running the tests

./tools/ctl test

Database migrations

docker exec -it log-my-time flask db migrate -m "Description of change"
docker exec -it log-my-time flask db upgrade

Custom Bootstrap CSS

# Bootstrap overrides can be found in scss/custom.scss
# The build.sh command compiles this to app/static/css/bootstrap.css
cd scss

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