
Basic Raspberry Pi Docker configuration with Ansible

Ansible Raspi Provisoner

Configures a Raspberry Pi with the following:

  • Renames the default pi user
  • Installs specific SSH keys on new user account
  • Updates & Upgrades apt
  • Installs docker and docker-compose
  • Hardens root user so cannot login

Created to simplify home 64bit UnifiController raspi setup from a cold SD Card burn of the 64 bit images available on https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_arm64/images/ to a point that it is now useful and ready for project customisation.

Important considerations / TODO's

There is still some static key imports within the main.yml file (look for authorized_key tasks) that I need to make variable and loop. These will need changing for your own configuration, or removing if you do you do not want more than one.

Bear in mind however you will want at least one key added to the account as the playbook also disables SSH Password authentication

The variables within inventory.yml will need to be configured for your needs.

The static IP section at the bottom of the main.yml file needs to be configured for your network requirements.


There are some minimal requirements for this playbook to work, other than ansible obviously.


Used for authenticating by password to hosts On a mac: brew install hudochenkov/sshpass/sshpass

Python passlib

Used for generation of secure passwords Symptoms: ERROR! crypt.crypt not supported on Mac OS X/Darwin, install passlib python module Cure: Find the python used by your ansible instance (mine was in ~/.ansible.cfg) then perform: python3 -m pip install passlib

Raspi Pre-Requisites

As the 64 bit image provides a desktop, and no SSH is configured prior. Open a terminal and run the command: sudo touch /boot/ssh which will enable ssh then sudo systemctl restart ssh which will start the ssh service and allow login, and the playbooks to run.


  • Configure inventory.yml as needed
  • Configure authorized_keys sections within main.yml as needed
  • Configure the static ip section within main.yml as needed
  • Run ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml main.yml

Upon successful completion, change the perform_initial_root_config setting within inventory.yml to no to prevent attempting to login with pi after the username has been changed.

It is also expected that the 2nd play in the playbook will fail after first run as root login is disabled. To allow it to run again, you will need to enable root login within /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add a key to the root users authorized_keys file.

This was created for my own use, and I've probably missed something reach out via an issue if you want to ask anything =)