
Python programs for the senseHAT add-on for Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguagePython


Python programs for the senseHAT add-on for Raspberry Pi.

Hopefully I'll add some more when I get time, and add a few new bits to the existing programs.

JadeSkullGame - A game whereby students need to walk across the room without setting off the accelerometer, or the skull will appear either angry or cool, and give a sound warning. 3 'angry' results and you're out!

flashList.py - Randomises the colour of each letter in a flashing message by creating an iterative list of terms which is looped.

random_omg.py - an adaptation of the program of the same name in the Raspberry Pi senseHAT repository which actually randomises the colour of each letter in a flashing message, rather than changing the brightness levels of the R,G or B value for each letter.