This project is an unofficial open source Smite statistics project. The project uses the Smite API to populate clan and player statistics on a web front-end.
The PHP Smite API client is used for all calls to the Hi-Rez Smite API.
Symfony 5 framework has been used for the base of this project.
There is a Docker compose script ready to run, this builds containers for php-fpm
, nginx
, mysql
and redis
git clone
cd smite-stats
sudo cp .env .env.local
- Update
to reference your Smite API developer key. - Add a new line to your
file containing127.0.0.1 smitestats.devvm
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec php-fpm composer install
docker-compose exec php-fpm php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
docker-compose exec php-fpm yarn install
docker-compose exec php-fpm yarn encore prod
- Browse to http://smitestats.devvm
Smite Stats was unfortunately deprecated. Sadly the size of the database and processing power required was too expensive to run as a hobby.
To request permission from Hi-Rez for access keys to use the Smite API, you must complete this form.