guggcolors, or the 5 colors 1,715 architecture firms think the helsinki guggenheim should look like

Working link here:

There are two scripts:

  2. uses the Guggenheim API and downloads the first image from each entry, uses imagemagick to get the average color of the image, and saves the data as a json file. opens the JSON file;with scipy and scikit-image, converts the RGB color to LAB values, does a k-means clustering (with k=5) to group the data into 5 groups, and writes to an html file.

Things to do that I will probably never get around to doing:

  • Use an image resizing service or imagemagick to make nice thumbnails so that the entire site loads faster Using Google's image resizing proxy.
  • Rather than getting average colors, get all the colors the image uses, and cluster those values
  • Pixelate the images into 3x3 so that you can actually get averages of different quadrants/zones (horizon, sky, ground). (As an aside, many metering systems in cameras are pre-optimized to target different EV values in different zones to compensate for sky vs. ground, etc: []
  • Does Helsinki actually look like this? Get the top 1715 images of Helsinki on Flickr (or instagram, etc) and do the same. Who knows; maybe these renderings are actually just very accurate.