
A Node.js-based controller module for uvccamera based on a command structure similar to Johnny-Five (based off of troyth's node-raspicam)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Node.js-based controller module for webcams, based off of troyth's node-raspicam.

Note: This should work well for photo and timelapse, video has yet to be tested but may work as well.

NOTE: 131021 below is copy-pasted from node-raspicam; many functions do not yet work.

To Install

npm install uvccam

To Use

Require uvccam in your node app, then used the exposed constructor to create a UvcCam object that you can use to take photos, start a timelapse, or record video.

var UvcCam = require("uvccam");

var camera = new UvcCam({ opts });

//to take a snapshot, start a timelapse or video recording
camera.start( );

//to stop a timelapse or video recording
camera.stop( );

//listen for the "started" event triggered when the start method has been successfully initiated
camera.on("started", function(){ 
	//do stuff

//listen for the "read" event triggered when each new photo/video is saved
camera.on("read", function(err, filename){ 
	//do stuff

//listen for the process to exit when the timeout has been reached
camera.on("exited", function(){
	//do stuff

UvcCam Constructor

The UvcCam() constructor creates an object that can then be triggered to take a snapshot or start a timelapse or video recording. The constructor options mirror those offered by the raspistill and raspivideo commands provided by the Raspberry Pi Camera API.

UvcCam Constructor Options for Photo and Timelapse


  • mode : String - "photo" or "timelapse"
  • output : String - the path and filename where you want to store the photos (use sprintf-style variables, like %d, for incrementing timelapse photos)


Image parameter commands
Parameters with Values
  • w, width : Integer or String - Set image width
  • h, height : Integer or String - Set image height
  • q, quality : Integer or String - Set jpeg quality <0 to 100>
  • t, timeout : Integer or String - Time (in ms) before takes picture and shuts down (if not specified, set to 5s)
  • th, thumb : String - Set thumbnail parameters (x:y:quality)
  • e, encoding : String - Encoding to use for output file (jpg, bmp, gif, png)
  • x, exif : String - EXIF tag to apply to captures (format as 'key=value')
  • tl, timelapse : Integer or String - Timelapse mode. Takes a picture every ms
  • r, raw : Add raw bayer data to jpeg metadata
  • v, verbose : Output verbose information during run
  • d, demo : Run a demo mode (cycle through range of camera options, no capture)
Preview parameter commands

Note: I've kept these in for completeness, but I'm not sure how they will be useful.

  • p, preview : Preview window settings <'x,y,w,h'>
  • f, fullscreen : Fullscreen preview mode
  • op, opacity : Preview window opacity (0-255)
  • n, nopreview : Do not display a preview window
Image parameter commands
Parameters with Values
  • sh, sharpness : Integer or String - Set image sharpness (-100 to 100)
  • co, contrast : Integer or String - Set image contrast (-100 to 100)
  • br, brightness : Integer or String - Set image brightness (0 to 100)
  • sa, saturation : Integer or String - Set image saturation (-100 to 100)
  • ISO, ISO : Integer or String - Set capture ISO
  • ev, ev : Integer or String - Set EV compensation
  • ex, exposure : String - Set exposure mode (off,auto,night,nightpreview,backlight,spotlight,sports,snow,beach,verylong,fixedfps,antishake,fireworks)
  • awb, awb : String - Set AWB mode (off,auto,sun,cloud,shade,tungsten,fluorescent,incandescent,flash,horizon)
  • ifx, imxfx : String - Set image effect (none,negative,solarise,sketch,denoise,emboss,oilpaint,hatch,gpen,pastel,watercolour,film,blur,saturation,colourswap,washedout,posterise,colourpoint,colourbalance,cartoon)
  • cfx, colfx : String - Set colour effect (U:V)
  • mm, metering : String - Set metering mode (average,spot,backlit,matrix)
  • rot, rotation : Integer or String - Set image rotation (0-359)
  • vs, vstab : Turn on video stablisation
  • hf, hflip : Set horizontal flip
  • vf, vflip : Set vertical flip

UvcCam Constructor Options for Video


  • mode : String - "video"
  • output : String - the path and filename where you want to store the video (to write to stdout, use '-')


Image parameter commands
Parameters with Values
  • w, width : Integer or String - Set image width (Default is 1920)
  • h, height : Integer or String - Set image height (Default is 1080)
  • b, bitrate : Integer or String - Set bitrate. Use bits per second (e.g. 10MBits/s would be 10000000)
  • t, timeout : Integer or String - Time (in ms) to capture for. If not specified, set to 5s. Zero to disable
  • fps, framerate : Integer or String - Specify the frames per second to record
  • g, intra : Integer or String - Specify the intra refresh period (key frame rate/GoP size)
  • v, verbose : Output verbose information during run
  • d, demo : Run a demo mode (cycle through range of camera options, no capture)
  • e, penc : Display preview image after encoding (shows compression artifacts)
Preview parameter commands

Note: I've kept these in for completeness, but I'm not sure how they will be useful.

  • p, preview : Preview window settings <'x,y,w,h'>
  • f, fullscreen : Fullscreen preview mode
  • op, opacity : Preview window opacity (0-255)
  • n, nopreview : Do not display a preview window
Image parameter commands
Parameters with Values
  • sh, sharpness : Integer or String - Set image sharpness (-100 to 100)
  • co, contrast : Integer or String - Set image contrast (-100 to 100)
  • br, brightness : Integer or String - Set image brightness (0 to 100)
  • sa, saturation : Integer or String - Set image saturation (-100 to 100)
  • ISO, ISO : Integer or String - Set capture ISO
  • ev, ev : Integer or String - Set EV compensation
  • ex, exposure : String - Set exposure mode (off,auto,night,nightpreview,backlight,spotlight,sports,snow,beach,verylong,fixedfps,antishake,fireworks)
  • awb, awb : String - Set AWB mode (off,auto,sun,cloud,shade,tungsten,fluorescent,incandescent,flash,horizon)
  • ifx, imxfx : String - Set image effect (none,negative,solarise,sketch,denoise,emboss,oilpaint,hatch,gpen,pastel,watercolour,film,blur,saturation,colourswap,washedout,posterise,colourpoint,colourbalance,cartoon)
  • cfx, colfx : String - Set colour effect (U:V)
  • mm, metering : String - Set metering mode (average,spot,backlit,matrix)
  • rot, rotation : Integer or String - Set image rotation (0-359)
  • vs, vstab : Turn on video stablisation
  • hf, hflip : Set horizontal flip
  • vf, vflip : Set vertical flip

UvcCam Object Methods

UvcCam.start( )

Depending on the mode, this will either take a snapshot ("photo"), start a timelapse ("timelapse") or start a video recording ("video").

You can only call start() once on a UvcCam object, as the same physical camera cannot do multiple captures at once.

Returns false if any errors, otherwise returns true.

Emits the following signals:

  • start with payload (err, timestamp) when the capture process was started by a .start() method call
  • read with payload (err, timestamp, filename) when a new file is saved (very useful for timelapses)
  • exit with payload (timestamp) when the capture process exits via timeout

UvcCam.stop( )

This stops any ongoing camera process.

Returns true if it stopped a process, otherwise returns false.

Emits the following signals:

  • stop with payload (err, timestamp) when the capture process was stopped by a .stop() method call

UvcCam.set( opt, value )

This is a setter - it sets any option you give it. Opt must be a string (eg. "width").

UvcCam.get( opt )

This is a getter - it returns any option you give it. Opt must be a string (eg. "width").