
Sukkal is an ongoing experiment in enabling you to talk to yourself.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sukkal (conventionally translated from Sumerian as "vizier") was a term which could denote both a type of official and a class of deities in ancient Mesopotamia. The historical sukkals were responsible for overseeing the execution of various commands of the kings and acted as diplomatic envoys and translators for foreign dignitaries.

Site: https://dantaeyoung.github.io/sukkal/

Sukkal is an ongoing experiment in enabling you to talk to yourself.

By pressing and holding different keys on the keyboard, you can record audio notes, playback, and listen to yourself. An OpenAI api key allows for near-instant transcription of your conversation.

Giving someone your attention is an art; really listening to what they're saying, and tuning your attention so that you can follow their train of thought? That is a present of presentness. To be able to deeply listen is to follow the invisible jetstreams of someone's interest, intention, passion -- to glide sliently, fingers alive. Tuning into their frequency, finding alignment, and meeting somewhere intangible.

Is this possible to do with one's own self? A 'loopback interface'? Can you listen, intently, into one's speech, and ask the questions that you yourself didn't even know were present? Underneath an articulation of intent is a million different clues. One cannot analyze this; one moves with intuition, feeling for the knots, the questions, the unexpected burbles that indicate a notable fork in the road, an ajar door. Is this possible with one's self?


  • Internal Family Systems / Self-Therapy, by Jay Earley
  • Focusing, Eugene T Gendlin
  • https://antar.chat/