Go Coin Desktop

This is a desktop app that displays the values of cryptocurrencies, can be minimized to systray and notify the client when the coin is about to enter/leave a specified range of value.

It is developed and tested in Linux, with no guarantees if it works on other OSes.

Status: Completed


Coin Tab

Settings Tab

Alert Notification

System Tray

Developer Notes

I'm using two libraries to achieve this goal.

  • Fyne: for GUI and notifications.
  • systray: Systray library.

No library for dependency injection. I'm manually constructing the composition root.

Development is on master because I'm the only sheriff in this town

Build Tags

  • pt: Replace english with portuguese (pt-br).
  • testui: Test UI without any domain and IO.

Build system requirements

Ensure the following packages are installed to successfully build the app on ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install pkg-config xorg-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev


Since this is my first Go project, I'm using the minimum amount of third party libraries.
I purposely avoided using many Fyne features like data binding and storage since I'm learning/practicing Go and I want to code more, not less.
This app uses Clean Architecture. Domain is isolated from external API and filesystem. Dependency injection is used to provide the appropriate dependencies.
Presenter isolates the UI from the rest of the application. We can build the app in test ui mode (using testui flag) and develop/test the ui without having to worry about the rest of the code.
Domain is tested in domain_test.go. These tests are integration tests that follow the Big Bang Method, but with external API and filesystem stubed out to make the tests predictable and independent of each other.