Table of contents

This is a boilerplate for back end development using the following technologies:

  • Node.js

  • Express.js

  • PrismaORM

  • ESLint + Prettier for code Linting

  • Docker for the development environment with

    • Node.js v18 (current LTS version)
    • PostgreSQL
  • I'm using yarn, but you can use any other package manager, for example npm:

npm run <SCRIPT_NAME>

Environment variables

If you just want to run the development sever, just copy and paste the values from .env.example to a new .env file

cp .env.example .env

How to run

Docker for development

  • If you have Node.js installed, just run
yarn dc:dev

Otherwise, just run the following commands:

  • First of all, you need to build containers
docker compose build
  • Start containers in detached mode
docker compose up -d
  • Enter the node container
docker compose exec app bash


  • Install dependencies


  • Run migrations
yarn migrate:run
  • If you made changes to prisma/schema.prisma, don't forget to create a migration:
yarn migrate:dev