
A simple command manager for discord-simple-api package.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discord Command Manager

A lightweight and flexible command manager for Discord bots, designed to work seamlessly with the discord-simple-api package. This command manager simplifies the process of handling commands and provides a structured way to organize your bot's functionalities.


  • Easy Command Registration: Register commands with their callbacks for efficient command handling.
  • Help Command Generation: Automatically generates a help command that lists all available commands and their descriptions.
  • Error Handling: Built-in error handling to ensure smooth command execution and feedback on execution errors.
  • Bot Message Ignoring: Automatically ignores messages from bots to prevent command loops.


Ensure you have discord-simple-api installed in your project. If not, you can install it along with discord-command-manager using npm:

npm install discord-simple-api
npm install discord-command-manager


First, initialize your Discord instance from discord-simple-api and then create a CommandManager instance with it:

const Discord = require('discord-simple-api');
const CommandManager = require('discord-command-manager');

// Initialize the Discord instance with your bot token
const discordInstance = new Discord('YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN');

// Create the CommandManager instance
const commandManager = new CommandManager(discordInstance);

// Register commands
commandManager.registerCommand('hello', async (args, message) => {
  // Logic for the command
  console.log(`Hello command triggered by ${message.author.username}`);

// Generate a help command

// Example handleMessage usage within an onMessage listener
discordInstance.on('message', message => {

Registering Commands

To register a command, use the registerCommand method. It takes a command name and a callback function as arguments. The callback function is called with args and message when the command is triggered:

commandManager.registerCommand('greet', async (args, message) => {
  const reply = `Hello, ${args[0]}!`;
  // Assuming sendMessageToChannel sends a message to the specified channel
  await discordInstance.sendMessageToChannel(message.channel.id, reply);


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or bug fixes, feel free to make a pull request or open an issue.