Binance Public API connector Java

maven License: MIT Code Style

This is a lightweight library that works as a connector to the Binance public API

  • Supported APIs:

    • /api/*
    • /sapi/*
    • Spot WebSocket Market Stream
    • Spot User Data Stream
    • Spot WebSocket API
  • Test cases and examples


Replace LATEST_VERSION with the latest version number and paste the snippet below in pom.xml


Run mvn install where pom.xml is located to install the dependency.


Run Example

The examples are located under src/test/java/examples.

Before running any of it, must be set up correctly with API_KEY and SECRET_KEY or PRIVATE_KEY_PATH (if using RSA Keys).

Note that this is only used for examples, you should have your own configuration file when using the library.


The endpoints are categorized according to the Binance API document. Each object corresponds to its category which will be used to call its respective endpoints.

Category Object
Binance Code createGiftCard
BLVT createBlvt
BSwap createBswap
C2C createC2C
Convert createConvert
CryptoLoans createCrytoLoans
Fiat createFiat
Futures createFutures
Margin createMargin
Market createMarket
Mining createMining
NFT createNFT
Pay createPay
Portfolio Margin createPortfolioMargin
Rebate createRebate
Savings createSavings
Staking createStaking
Sub Account createsubAccount
Trade createTrade
UserData createUserData
Wallet createWallet

Market Endpoint: Exchange Information

SpotClient client = new SpotClientImpl();
String result = client.createMarket().exchangeInfo();

Trade Endpoint: Testing a new order

Map<String,Object> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();

SpotClient client = new SpotClientImpl(PrivateConfig.API_KEY, PrivateConfig.SECRET_KEY);

parameters.put("side", "SELL");
parameters.put("type", "LIMIT");
parameters.put("timeInForce", "GTC");
parameters.put("quantity", 0.01);
parameters.put("price", 9500);

String result = client.createTrade().testNewOrder(parameters);

WebSocket Stream

WebSocketStreamClient wsStreamClient = new WebSocketStreamClientImpl(); // defaults to live exchange unless stated.

// Single stream
int streamID1 = wsStreamClient.aggTradeStream("btcusdt",((event) -> {

// Combined streams
ArrayList<String> streams = new ArrayList<>();

int streamID2 = wsStreamClient.combineStreams(streams, ((event) -> {

// Close single stream
wsStreamClient.closeConnection(streamID1); //closes aggTradeStream-btcusdt
// Close all streams

Different types of WebSocket callbacks are available. Please refer to the src/test/java/examples/websocketstream/ example file to explore their usage.

More examples are available at src/test/java/examples/websocketstream folder.

WebSocket API

RsaSignatureGenerator signatureGenerator =  new RsaSignatureGenerator("PRIVATE_KEY_PATH");
WebSocketApiClient wsApiClient = new WebSocketApiClientImpl("API_KEY", signatureGenerator); // defaults to live exchange unless stated.

// Open connection with a callback as parameter
wsApiClient.connect(((message) -> {

JSONObject optionalParams = new JSONObject();
optionalParams.put("requestId", "request123");
optionalParams.put("quantity", 1);"BTCUSDT", "BUY", "MARKET", optionalParams);


// Close connection

If requestId is empty (""), null or not sent, this library will generate a UUID string for it.

Different types of WebSocket callbacks are available. Please refer to the src/test/java/examples/websocketapi/ example file to explore their usage.

More examples are available at src/test/java/examples/websocketapi folder.


While /sapi/* endpoints don't have testnet environment yet, /api/* endpoints can be tested in Spot Testnet. You can use it by changing the base URL:

Map<String,Object> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<>();

SpotClient client = new SpotClientImpl(PrivateConfig.TESTNET_API_KEY, PrivateConfig.TESTNET_SECRET_KEY, PrivateConfig.TESTNET_URL);
String result = client.createMarket().time();

Base URL

If baseUrl is not provided, it defaults to
It's recommended to pass in the baseUrl parameter, even in production as Binance provides alternative URLs:


Optional parameters

All parameters are read from a Map<String, Object> implemented data structure where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter. The parameters should follow their exact naming as in the API documentation.

Map<String,Object> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();

parameters.put("side", "SELL");
parameters.put("type", "LIMIT");
parameters.put("timeInForce", "GTC");
parameters.put("quantity", 0.01);
parameters.put("price", 9500);

Response MetaData

The Binance API server provides weight usages in the headers of each response. This value can be return by calling setShowLimitUsage and setting it to true.

SpotClient client = new SpotClientImpl();
String result = client.createMarket().time();;


INFO: {"data":"{"serverTime":1633434339494}","x-mbx-used-weight":"1","x-mbx-used-weight-1m":"1"}


HTTP Proxy is supported.

To set it up, call setProxy() with ProxyAuth and before submitting requests to binance:

SpotClient client = new SpotClientImpl();
Proxy proxyConn = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("", 8080));
ProxyAuth proxy = new ProxyAuth(proxyConn, null);


For authenticated Proxy, define ProxyAuth with Authenticator from okhttp3:

SpotClient client = new SpotClientImpl();
Proxy proxyConn = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("", 8080));
Authenticator auth = new Authenticator() {
    public Request authenticate(Route route, Response response) throws IOException {
        if (response.request().header("Proxy-Authorization") != null) {
            return null; // Give up, we've already failed to authenticate.
        String credential = Credentials.basic("username", "password");
        return response.request().newBuilder().header("Proxy-Authorization", credential).build();
ProxyAuth proxy = new ProxyAuth(proxyConn, auth);


To undo Proxy, use unsetProxy() before submitting requests to binance:


Complete examples are available at src/test/java/examples/spot/proxy folder.


This connector uses SLF4J as an abstraction layer for diverse logging frameworks.

It's end-user's responsibility to select the appropriate SLF4J binding to use as the logger (e.g, slf4j-jdk14 or logback-classic). Otherwise, you might see the following informative output:

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.

In case you want to use our custom logback-classic, it's available at binance-logback.

If you prefer to not use a logger and suppress the SLF4J messages instead, you can refer to slf4j-nop.

Types of Signature Generator

When creating SpotClient, WebSocketStreamClient or WebSocketApiClient, you use one of the following types of Signature Generator to create signatures (for SIGNED endpoints) based on your security preference:

  • HmacSignatureGenerator - Use of API Key and Secret Key.
  HmacSignatureGenerator signGenerator = new HmacSignatureGenerator("SecretKey");
  SpotClient client = new SpotClientImpl("ApiKey", signGenerator);
  • RsaSignatureGenerator - Use of API Key and RSA algorithm keys.
  RsaSignatureGenerator signGenerator =  new RsaSignatureGenerator("PathToPrivateKey"); 
  // or if Private Key is protected
  // RsaSignatureGenerator signGenerator = new RsaSignatureGenerator("PathToPrivateKey", "PrivateKeyPassword")
  SpotClient client = new SpotClientImpl("ApiKey", signGenerator);
  • Ed25519SignatureGenerator - Use of API Key and Ed25519 algorithm keys.
  Ed25519SignatureGenerator signGenerator =  new Ed25519SignatureGenerator("PathToPrivateKey");
  SpotClient client = new SpotClientImpl("ApiKey", signGenerator);


There are 3 types of error which may be thrown by this library.

  • BinanceConnectorException
    • This is thrown when there is a validation error for parameters.For instance, mandatory parameter not sent. This error will be thrown before the request is sent to the server.
  • BinanceClientException
    • This is thrown when server returns 4XX, it's an issue from client side.
    • The error consists of these 3 objects which will help in debugging the error:
      • httpStatusCode - HTTP status code
      • errorCode - API Server's error code, e.g. -1102
      • errMsg - API Server's error message, e.g. Unknown order sent.
  • BinanceServerException
    • This is thrown when server returns 5XX, it's an issue from server side.
try {
      String result = client.createTrade().newOrder(parameters);;
    } catch (BinanceConnectorException e) {
      logger.error("fullErrMessage: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (BinanceClientException e) {
      logger.error("fullErrMessage: {} \nerrMessage: {} \nerrCode: {} \nHTTPStatusCode: {}",
      e.getMessage(), e.getErrMsg(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getHttpStatusCode(), e);


mvn clean test


Contributions are welcome.
If you've found a bug within this project, please open an issue to discuss what you would like to change.
If it's an issue with the API, please open a topic at Binance Developer Community