
Bridges cloudbox autoscan with Plex to enable metadata refresh

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Autoscan Plex Adapter

This app creates a bridge between cloudb0x/autoscan and Plex to enable metadata refresh. Works by mimicking an autoscan server. When the adapter receives the directories it connects to the plex instance and iterates all movies and episodes looking for a directory match. If a match is found the directory is added to the processing list and the metadata element gets refreshed in Plex.

Disclaimer: This app is WIP and has no authentication. Use it at your own risk.


tested under python 3.10

pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Create an .env file with the environment secrets
ANALYZE_MEDIA="" # perform analysis of the media files after refresh. Empty or unset to disable
REFRESH_MEDIA="true" # perform metadata refresh of the media files. Active by default.
SLEEP_INTERVAL="0" # wait before starting the scanning process after each request. default is 0 (disabled)
LOG_LEVEL="INFO" # the logging level for the application. Available values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR. Default is INFO
DIRECTORY_PROC_MODULE="nameprocessor" # directory name processor. Explained in more detail below
  1. Run the python flask server
python -m flask run -h
  1. Add your autoscan adapter target to your autoscan config.yml
    - url: http://plex:32400 # URL of your Plex server
      token: XXXX # Plex API Token
    - url: http://autoscan-adapter:5000 # URL of your autoscan adapter

By default flask runs on port 5000


This is a docker-compose.yml example.

version: '3.7'

    image: cloudb0x/autoscan
    container_name: autoscan
    restart: unless-stopped
      PGID: $PGID
      PUID: $PUID
      - "./config:/config"
      - autoscan-adapter

    image: dantebarba/autoscan-adapter
    container_name: autoscan-adapter
    restart: unless-stopped
      PGID: $PGID
      PUID: $PUID
      # perform analysis of the media files after refresh. empty or unset to disable. default: empty
      - ./customprocessor.py:/app/customprocessor.py # custom processing function

Custom directory name processors

Custom name processors are functions that allow you to transform the show/movie directory into something searchable in Plex. By default there is already a processor installed that covers the basic radarr and sonarr naming convention for directories like: Movie Name (year). If you have this configuration you don't need to implement your own processor

If you have your own naming convention for radarr/sonarr directories you might want to implement your own processor. For this you'll need to set the environment variable DIRECTORY_PROC_MODULE with your custom processor module name like "customprocessor".

The processor must implement two functions as follows:

def preprocess_movie_directory(name: str):
  """ implement this function returning the processed directory name """
  return name
def preprocess_show_directory(name:str):
  """ implement this function returning the processed directory name """
  return name

Why should I implement a processor

You are not obligated to implement your processor even if you have a non-standard naming convention in radarr/sonarr. Implementing a processor is an advanced feature to improve performance, since for very big libraries (1000ish elements or more) gathering all the library elements could take as long as 30 seconds. In comparison, using library search will take you less than 1 second

The processor is meant to convert a non-standard movie name to a searchable movie name e.g. Blue.Beetle_(2018) into Blue Beetle.