Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Setup Instructions
  3. Logging
  4. CLI
  5. Updating the service
  6. Restarting the service
  7. Troubleshooting


If running on Goerli (chain id = 5), then you will need Goerli ETH + Goerli SARCO.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone this repo:

    git clone && cd quickstart-archaeologist

  2. Copy example env file.

    cp .env.example .env

  3. Fill out the env file values.

  • To generate a BIP39 seed offline, run: COMPOSE_PROFILES=seed docker compose run seed-gen
  • Copy this value to your env file
  1. Create blank peer ID file.

    touch peer-id.json

  2. If you have not yet registered your archaeologist:

    COMPOSE_PROFILES=register docker compose run register

    (or docker-compose for older versions of docker compose)

    Follow the instructions to register your archaeologist. A peer ID will automatically be generated for you.

    Notes on Registration:

    • It is recommended you set your free bond to at least a 10x multiple of your digging fee. (I.e. if MIN_DIGGING_FEE=5, set your FREE_BOND to at least 50.
    • When your free bond drops below your minimum digging fee, you will no longer be able to accept new jobs or appear in the embalmer web application list.
    • See CLI instructions for updating these values after registration.
  3. Run the service in the background

    COMPOSE_PROFILES=service docker compose up -d

  4. You can verify your service is registered correctly by visiting

  • Please allow up to a minute for the archaeologist list to populate.


To view the logs

Run docker container ls and grab the container ID of the archaeologist service

Run docker logs <container-id> --follow to see realtime logs


A CLI is provided for running additional commands for your service, such as updating profile values and claiming rewards.

To run the CLI:

  1. If the service is not started, start the service with docker compose up -d,
  2. Jump into the container with: docker compose exec -it archaeologist sh
  3. Run cli help for available commands, or cli help <command> for help with a given command.


Update Profile

// change profile to have digging fee of 5
// this will also update your domain + peerID automatically
docker compose exec -it archaeologist sh
cli update -d 5

Deposit 100 SARCO to free bond

docker compose exec -it archaeologist sh
cli update -f 100

View Profile

docker compose exec -it archaeologist sh
cli view -p

Claim Rewards

docker compose exec -it archaeologist sh
cli claim

Withdraw 5 SARCO from Free Bond

docker compose exec -it archaeologist sh
cli free-bond -w 5

Updating the service

To update the service to the latest version:

COMPOSE_PROFILES=service docker compose stop
COMPOSE_PROFILES=service docker compose pull
COMPOSE_PROFILES=service docker compose up -d

Restarting the service

To restart the service:

COMPOSE_PROFILES=service docker compose stop
COMPOSE_PROFILES=service docker compose up -d


Below are some things to do to ensure your archaeologist is running correctly.

Server ports

Ports 443 and 80 must be open on your server.

If using Uncomplicated Firewall on linux, you can use the following to open these ports:

sudo ufw allow 443/tcp; sudo ufw allow 80/tcp; sudo ufw enable

Domain A Record

Your domain must have an A record pointing at the IP address of your server that the archaeologist service is running on.

Use this tool to confirm that your domain is pointed correctly.

Test Websocket Connection

Test that your archaeologist can have websocket connection open by entering your websocket address in this format:

wss://<domain>/p2p/<libp2p peerID>

To get your domain and peerID, run:

docker compose exec -it archaeologist sh
cli view -p

The PeerId has the domain and libp2p peerID concatenated with a :. So the format is: <domain>:<peerID>.

An example would look like: wss://

Archaeologist not showing in the web application

  1. Ensure you have registered your archaeologist (see setup instructions).
  2. Make sure your free bond is larger than your minimum digging fee. You will not show up in the web application if you do not have enough free bond posted to accept new jobs.
  3. Ensure your domain is pointed at the IP address of your server using:
  4. See if any errors appear in the logs of either your archaeologist service, or the SSL service
**Archaeologist Logs**
docker container ls   // get container ID of
docker logs <container_id>
**SSL cert logs**
docker container ls   // get container ID of nginxproxy/acme-companion
docker logs <container_id>

Updating your domain after registering

If you update your domain after registering, you will need to update the archaeologist profile and restart your service.

// Update the archaeologist by depositing 1 free bond
docker compose exec -it archaeologist sh
cli update -f 1

// restart archaeologist service
COMPOSE_PROFILES=service docker compose stop
COMPOSE_PROFILES=service docker compose up -d