This is a repository that gently introduces Quantum Computing to anyone with no background in math, physics and computer science. This repo assumes no knowledge at all about Quantum Mechanics and would start by introducing the basic concepts of linear algebra, Basic Probability theories, Vector spaces and Hilbert spaces, Matrix Operations and Matrix Mechanics, Introduction to the postulates of Quantum Mechanics, Spintronics and Angular Momentum, Classical logic gates operations and Concepts of gate-based Quantum Programming using QISKIT. This repo would also feature relevant articles, Research papers, podcasts, textbook references, linkdln posts, youtube links and blog posts in areas where they would accelerate your understanding of these Quantum Computing. Also, it will discuss the various use cases and Applications of Quantum Technology. So right now, let us start with the history of Quantum Mechanics :)


This is a repository that gently introduces Quantum Computing to anyone with no background in math, physics and computer science. This repo assumes no knowledge at all about Quantum Mechanics and would start by introducing the basic concepts of linear algebra, Basic Probabilty Theories, Vector spaces and Hilbert spaces, Matrix Operations and Matrix Mechanics, Introduction to the postulates of Quantum Mechanics, Spintronics and Angular Momentum, Classical logic gates operations and Concepts of gate-based Quantum Programming using QISKIT. This repo would also feature relevant articles, Research papers, podcasts, textbook references, linkdln posts, youtube links and blog posts in areas where they would accelerate your understanding of these Quantum Computing. Also, it will discuss the various use cases and Applications of Quantum Technology. So right now, let us start with the history of Quantum Mechanics

  1. [Basic Probabilty Theories](BASIC%20PROBABILITY%20THEORY/classical probability)

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