#The CUAppDev Git-Bible# ##Pre-Pull Request##
Use rebase to do whatever you please to make the history most understandable and clear:
- Update with contents of master
- Squash commits together
- Separate single commits into multiple ones
- Reorder commits
- Remove commits
- Alter commit messages
- Force push changes to your branch (the only time force push is okay)
##Post-Pull Request##
- Treat open PR as amend-only, rebasing and force pushing will mutate/destroy commentary history
- Commit and push to your branch to address feedback from code review
- Link commit SHA in Github comments so your reviewer can jump directly to the commit where you fixed whatever was brought up
- Do one large rebase to bring your branch up-to-date with master
- Do not push rebased version — keeps commentary history
- Do explicitly merge with master (using —no-ff)
- This merge commit does have value, indicates a feature has landed
- Get assigned issue on Github
- git checkout -b [your-name]/[feature] - (Create feature branch)
- Work on feature
- Prep for PR
- git fetch
- git rebase origin/master -i
- git push origin [your-name]/[feature] -f
- Open PR
- Respond to PR feedback (commit and push only)
- Merge
- Close PR and link merge commit SHA in comment
- Close relevant issue and link merge commit SHA in comment
- git fetch
- git checkout [your-name]/[feature]
- git rebase origin/master
- …resolve conflicts…
- git checkout master
- git reset --hard origin/master
- git merge --no-ff [your-name]/[feature]
- …there should be no conflicts at this point since they were resolved already…
- …make sure you can build, no warnings, etc…
- git push origin master
#Escape Hatches#
- git rebase -abort while rebasing
- git reset --hard ORIG-HEAD after rebasing
- git reflog if you accidentally delete something you don’t mean to