
Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION

Dropbox API

Since Dropbox supports Webhooks the api became feasable for use in webservices that may enhance the functionality of your dropbox. This Library provides functions and data types to use Dropbox API. Official dropbox docs https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/documentation.

Usage Examples

Note that these are not complete examples, because a webserver setup and database are also required.


Initialize webhook just by responding with challenge of request.

	get "/webhook" - do
	  qs <- queryString <$> ask
	  let maybeChallenge = lookupQuery "challenge" qs

	  case maybeChallenge of
	    Just challenge -> text $ challenge
	    Nothing        -> text "error: no challenge set"

Example using webhookHandler with threads:

    post "/webhook" - do
      lrb     <- lazyRequestBody <$> ask
      lrb'    <- liftIO lrb
      headers <- requestHeaders <$> ask
      conf    <- liftIO $ appConfigFromEnv globalEnvConfig
      isValid <- liftIO $ validateRequest conf headers lrb'

      unless isValid $ error "invalid request"

      let forkhandler = map $ \u -> forkIO $ processUser u
      rFork <- liftIO $ webhookHandler forkhandler $ lrb'
      let withThreatId str threadid = do
                                         _threadid <- threadid
                                         pure $ str ++ show _threadid
      y <- liftIO $ foldM withThreatId "" rFork
      html . B.pack $ (B.unpack . BS.pack . BL.unpack $ lrb') ++ "\n--\n" ++ y

OAuth Authorization

    get "/authorize" - requiresCurrentUser session $ \username -> do
      appKey      <- liftIO $ envAppKey globalEnvConfig
      redirectUri <- liftIO $ oauthCallbackUrl
      sessionUser <- currentUser session
      html <=< redirectTo (dropboxAuthorizeUrl appKey redirectUri username) <<= pure ()
    get "/oauth_callback" - do
      (queryParam, params) <- queryParameter

      case queryParam "code" of
        Nothing -> error "No Code was found in the query string."
        Just co -> do
          -- The user email is transmitted in the state query parameter.
          case queryParam "state" of
            Nothing -> error "No State was found in the query string."
            Just st -> do
              conf <- liftIO . appConfigFromEnv $ globalEnvConfig
              dropboxUser <- liftIO . fetchOauth2Token conf $ co

              case dropboxUser of
                Nothing -> error "Response String didn't have a valid user."
                Just du -> do
                  let token = userAccessToken du
                      uid   = userAccountId   du
                  newUserId <- liftIO $ saveDropboxUserInDatabase uid token
                  liftIO $ setUserDropboxAccountId (B.unpack st) uid

                  html <=< redirectToIO doneUrl <<= pure ()

Other Requests


TODO / Further Development

  • add more requests and datatypes from API
  • add some utility procedures
  • add complete functioning example app