
Graphical system install utility

Primary LanguageC++BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


This provides a Qt5-based graphical front-end to the pc-sysinstall scriptable installer used by TrueOS.

This utility is designed to run stand-alone on the installer. It will automatically setup/start Xorg with either the "vesa" or "scfb" driver (based on whether the system is booting in Legacy or UEFI mode), setup and perform the installation through a series of prompts, and then provide the option to shutdown/reboot the system afterwards.

Bug Reports

Bug reports related to the ISO or the graphical installation procedure should be reported here.

  • Post-installation bug reports should be reported on the trident-core repository.
  • Package build/release bug reports should be reported on the trident-build repository.
  • Website or documentation bug reports should be reported on the trident-website repository.

Repo Heirarchy:

  • src-qt5: Source files for the graphical installer itself.
    • src-qt5/scripts/start-trident-installer : Initial startup script which runs on the ISO
    • src-qt5/files/ : Other setup/overlay files which need to be installed in special places on the ISO
    • src-qt5/packages.json : JSON file which details all the possible packages which can be selected for installation from the ISO.
  • pkg: FreeBSD port files
    • pkg/trident-installer : Template for the trident/trident-installer FreeBSD port
    • pkg/mkport.sh : Script to turn that template into a "real" port pointing at the latest revision of this repository

How to build the utility

The Trident installer is just a simple Qt5 utility that utilizes the "qmake" build framework.

  • Required Qt5 Modules: core, gui, widgets, concurrent
  • Required Qt5 Utilities: qmake, lrelease

Steps to build locally:

  • cd src-qt5
  • qmake
  • make To install the utility on the local system (hazardous - may overwrite some system files):
  • make install

Testing the utility

Once compiled locally, the trident-installer binary can be run on the developer system with user permissions to launch it in "debug mode" (there will be a note at the bottom of the installer which states if it is running in debug mode). This will allow full access to test out the graphical installer (in a window rather than full screen), and will simply skip the "installation" part of the utility and provide a fake 10-second timer in place of the actual installation process (for testing out the while-installing functionality). Similarly, the shutdown/reboot options in the window will just close down the utility rather than initiate the shutdown/reboot processes on the developer system.