
PHP simple config

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PHP simple config

This is a simple config handler class with dot-syntax for PHP.


  • PHP >= 5.6.0


Install with Composer:

composer require dtkahl/php-simple-config


Refer namespace:

use Dtkahl\SimpleConfig\Config;

Create new Config instance:

$config = new Config([
    "database" => [
      "host" => "localhost",
      "port" => 1337,
      "username" => "developer",> 1337,
      "password" => "secret",
    "debug" => true,
    // ...

you can also load Config from file:

$config = new Config(require("./config.php"));

Example config.php:

return [
  "database" => [
    "host" => "localhost",
    "port" => 1337,
    "username" => "developer",
    "password" => "secret",
  "debug" => true,
  // ...



Determine if config entry exists on given path.

get($path, $default = null)

Returns config entry exists on given path or returns $default if path does not exist in config.

set($path, $value, $force = false)

Set config entry on given path (override if existing). Set parameter $force if given path dosn't exist. Returns config instance.


Remove config entry on given path if existing. Returns config instance.

setAlias($alias, $path)

Add an alias for a given path. Alias should not contain a dot for obvious reason.