NFSP angewendetn auf Leduc-poker von David Joos
The whole Thesis is included in this project under /Hauptdatei.pdf
- it's written in german.
It simulates a leduc poker environment. The main class is
and loads the classes
The whole environment is found uner leduc/
import leduc.env as leduc
env = leduc.Env()
# Before you take actions:
# To get initial state without an action for player with index 0
# Deprecated, will be removed in further versions
s, r, t, i = env.init_state(0)
# To take action in leduc poker you need:
# your action -> int where 0 = fold, 1 = call, 2 = raise
# player index -> for example 0
action = player.predict(s)
env.step(action, 0)
# Because of a two player env you need to wait until the other
# Player has done a step aswell. Then geht new state:
# Pass your player index to function:
s, a, r, s2, t, i = env.get_new_state(0)
# If game terminates:
The agent is the acting module of the program, in other the words: the artifical intelligence, which should learn the optimal strategy. It's represented by two neural networks:
- Best Response Network
- Average Response Network
The best response network learns with neural fitted q iteration algorithm the best response to the opponents behaviour.
The average response network learns with simple supervised techniques the average strategy of itself.
The code can be found under agent/
import agent.agent as agent
# Because it's ficticious self play, we need at least two
# instances of the agent and call it: player
# sess = tensorflow.Session()
# state_dim, action_dim = env.dim_shape
# learning_rate can be changed in config.ini
player1 = agent.Agent(sess, state_dim, action_dim, learning_rate)
player2 = # ...
# Act with best response network:
action = player1.best_response_model.predict(s)
# Get states and remember them for replay memory
s, a, r, s2, t, i = env.get_new_state(player1_index)
player1.remember_opponent_behaviour(s, a, r, s2, t)
# When you sampled enough data, you can update the network
# It will update the Q-Function which is represented by
# the network with supervised learning methods (because of
# replay memory).
# TODO: average response network