A Facebook Messenger chatbot that uses the ScryFall API
When chatting with a myr bot, there are 3 main types of command they will recognise; single card search, ScryFall search and special command syntax
(([format specifier]search[|SET]))
format specifier | result | status |
none or & | Text representation of the card | ✔️ |
! | Full card image | ✔️ |
@ | Card art image (with artist) | ✔️ |
$ | Price (in USD and AUD) | ✔️ |
# | Legality | ✔️ |
SET: 3(or more) character set code to select a particular printing of a card. ✔️
((+search|[format specifier][options]))
format specifier | result | status |
none | Card name only | ✔️ |
& | Text representation of the card | ✔️ |
! | Full card image | ✔️ |
@ | Card art image (with artist) | ✔️ |
$ | Price (in USD and AUD) | ✔️ |
# | Legality | ✔️ |
option | result | status |
max | Sets the maximum number of returned cards | ❌ |
unique | The unique parameter specifies if Scryfall should remove “duplicate” results in your query | ❌ |
order | The order parameter determines how Scryfall should sort the returned cards | ❌ |
dir | Then you can optionally specify a dir parameter to choose which direction the sorting should occur | ❌ |
More information on these options can be found here |
((?[format specifier]))
format specifier | result | status |
none | Name of a random card | ✔️ |
& | Text representation of a random card | ✔️ |
! | Full card image of a random card | ✔️ |
@ | Card art image (with artist) of a random card | ✔️ |
$ | Price (in USD and AUD) of a random card | ✔️ |
# | Legality of a random card | ✔️ |
? | Sends a link to this page | ✔️ |
Certain exact messages may trigger other responses.