
A Facebook Messenger chatbot that uses the ScryFall API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Facebook Messenger chatbot that uses the ScryFall API


Chat API

When chatting with a myr bot, there are 3 main types of command they will recognise; single card search, ScryFall search and special command syntax

Single Card Search Syntax

(([format specifier]search[|SET]))

format specifier result status
none or & Text representation of the card ✔️
! Full card image ✔️
@ Card art image (with artist) ✔️
$ Price (in USD and AUD) ✔️
# Legality ✔️

SET: 3(or more) character set code to select a particular printing of a card. ✔️

Scryfall Search Syntax

((+search|[format specifier][options]))

format specifier result status
none Card name only ✔️
& Text representation of the card ✔️
! Full card image ✔️
@ Card art image (with artist) ✔️
$ Price (in USD and AUD) ✔️
# Legality ✔️
option result status
max Sets the maximum number of returned cards
unique The unique parameter specifies if Scryfall should remove “duplicate” results in your query
order The order parameter determines how Scryfall should sort the returned cards
dir Then you can optionally specify a dir parameter to choose which direction the sorting should occur
More information on these options can be found here

Special Command Syntax

((?[format specifier]))

format specifier result status
none Name of a random card ✔️
& Text representation of a random card ✔️
! Full card image of a random card ✔️
@ Card art image (with artist) of a random card ✔️
$ Price (in USD and AUD) of a random card ✔️
# Legality of a random card ✔️
? Sends a link to this page ✔️

Certain exact messages may trigger other responses.