A template for building a blog with the Eleventy static site generator and Decap CMS
Pinned issues
- 1
error in building after changing the image at homepage (maybe template syntax error)
#80 opened by pragyanone - 5
- 0
Feature Requests
#74 opened by danurbanowicz - 5
v2 beta update
#72 opened by rdela - 6
'Invalid DateTime' in article
#69 opened by coderkind - 7
- 2
Moving rooted templates to directories.
#67 opened by kylesloper - 3
- 1
Using TailwindCSS
#66 opened by kylesloper - 5
Form submissions not working
#63 opened by TylerMRoderick - 0
MarkdownItAnchor is not defined.
#62 opened by kylesloper - 3
CMS access for private forked repo
#61 opened by manikantag - 0
#60 opened by kylesloper - 2
- 0
- 0
Notice: Temporary interaction limits
#57 opened by danurbanowicz - 3
Bulky netlify-identity-widget script include
#39 opened by wachunga - 1
Auto-redirect doesn't work
#37 opened by PierW - 1
How was the /about page generated?
#40 opened by cktang88 - 1
- 2
Multiple authors ?
#34 opened by ImaCrea - 2
How can I activate drafts?
#36 opened by ImaCrea - 2
support for images
#29 opened by Blockchainbrett - 5
Is the tag post really necessary?
#28 opened by botelho - 2
Error npm installing this on WSL bash on Win10
#21 opened by mjosborne1 - 9
Preview of a post in netlifycms broken
#22 opened by psandtner - 1
Security Issue warnings
#18 opened by dixonge - 2
Default title for tag page
#14 opened by spekulatius - 4
markdownit options are created but not used
#11 opened by jaustin - 5
Add Sass support
#10 opened by danpantinople - 4
- 3
"reset password" function is inavailable
#6 opened by dingfengboo - 4
date time issues
#5 opened by bridgestew - 1
Small typo
#3 opened by Paul-dH