
bobaLife is an e-commerce app designed for a fictitious boba shop. This app incorporates a working cart/checkout process as well as integration with Stripe mobile payments. Users are greeted with a modern landing page and access to online shop.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



bobaLife is an e-commerce app designed for a fictitious boba shop. This app incorporates a working cart/checkout process as well as integration with Stripe mobile payments. Users are greeted with a modern landing page and access to online shop.


  • Login/Registration
  • Shop/Cart with redux toolkit/redux-persist
  • Checkout with Stripe - client/server integration for checkout session to allow mobile payments

Live App

Source Code


Add Product to Basket

Checkout Basket

Stripe Checkout Session

Refer to Stripe documentation for card information

Stripe Payment (Test CC)

Refer to Stripe documentation for card information

Test Coverage

  • Performed component testing with react-testing-library
$ yarn test --watchAll

Project structure

client (React.js)
server (Node/Express)

React App Initialize

$ yarn create react-app ./ 

Install client/server dependencies

$ yarn install

Install client dependencies

$ yarn add
$ axios 
$ react-router-dom 
$ react-scroll 
$ react-toastify 
$ sass 
$ styled-components
$ react-redux 
$ @reduxjs/toolkit 
$ @emotion/react
$ @emotion/styled
$ @mui/icons-material
$ @mui/material
$ @mui/styled-engine-sc
$ @stripe/react-stripe-js
$ @stripe/stripe-js

Initialize Server

$ yarn init 

Install server dependencies

$ yarn add 
$ bcryptjs 
$ colors 
$ cors 
$ dotenv 
$ express 
$ express-async-handler 
$ jsonwebtoken 
$ mongoose 
$ nodemon 
$ stripe


  • E-commerce products borrowed from Blue Bottle Coffee, Boba Guys, etc.

Import Data from seeder.js (products/users)

$ yarn run data:import 

Delete Data from seeder.js (products/users)

$ yarn run data:destroy

Start Client/Server

$ yarn start

Misc. (Server)

  • Refer to seeder file
  • Refer to constants directory for data of users & parrillas
  • Run script to import or destroy this data on MongoDB
  1. seeder.js
import mongoose from "mongoose"; 
import dotenv from "dotenv"; 
import colors from "colors"; 
import users from "./data/users.js"; 
import products from "./data/products.js"; 
import User from "./models/userModel.js"; 
import Product from "./models/productModel.js"; 
import connectDB from "./config/db.js"; 



const importData = async () => {
    try {
        await Product.deleteMany();
        await User.deleteMany();

        // insert users data into db
        const createdUsers = await User.insertMany(users); 
        // we select the first "admin"
        const adminUser = createdUsers[0]._id; 
        const sampleProducts = products.map(product => {
            return {
                user: adminUser

        await Product.insertMany(sampleProducts); 
        console.log("Data imported".green.inverse); 
    } catch (error) {

const destroyData = async () => {
    try {
        await Product.deleteMany();
        await User.deleteMany();

        console.log("Data destroyed".red.inverse); 
    } catch (error) {

if(process.argv[2] === "-d") {
} else {
  1. users.js
import bcrypt from "bcryptjs"; 

const users = [
        username: "admin", 
        email: "admin@gmail.com", 
        password: bcrypt.hashSync("admin", 10), // synchronously generate hash with 10 rounds
        username: "peach", 
        email: "peach@gmail.com", 
        password: bcrypt.hashSync("peach", 10), // synchronously generate hash with 10 rounds
        username: "jojo", 
        email: "jojo@gmail.com", 
        password: bcrypt.hashSync("jojo", 10), // synchronously generate hash with 10 rounds

export default users
  1. products.js
const products = [
        title: "Globo Espresso", 
        description: "Robust Italian espresso blend", 
        image: "https://blue-bottle-cms.global.ssl.fastly.net/hbhhv9rz9/image/upload/c_thumb,h_576,w_576/v1526404876/gkhxnpntcaonvebez1ys.jpg", 
        price: 28, 
        title: "Roaster's Choice Box", 
        description: "Rotating collection of three single origins", 
        image: "https://blue-bottle-cms.global.ssl.fastly.net/hbhhv9rz9/image/upload/c_thumb,h_576,w_576/v1656526781/mikslgpdx1wadlkcb4xi.jpg", 
        price: 65, 
        title: "Nob Hill Boba Blend", 
        description: "All-in-one espresso milk tea kit", 
        image: "https://blue-bottle-cms.global.ssl.fastly.net/hbhhv9rz9/image/upload/c_thumb,h_576,w_576/v1526404848/r01wlbcqpgdspyszxg0n.jpg", 
        price: 35, 
        title: "River Plate Kit", 
        description: "Three of our most well-loved blends", 
        image: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1529474944862-bf4949bd2f1a?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1250&q=80", 
        price: 50, 
        title: "But First Boba Sticker", 
        description: "Perfect gift for boba lovers", 
        image: "https://rlv.zcache.com/but_first_boba_sticker-rd05c14d6c830405f8aab5d6f16e67fd8_07caf_736.webp?rlvnet=1", 
        price: 3, 
        title: "Boba Milk Tea Sticker", 
        description: "Boba Vibes! Love your boba", 
        image: "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0022/9838/0353/products/boba-milk-tea-sticker_1024x.jpg?v=1624004774", 
        price: 3, 
        title: "Boba Is Life Sticker", 
        description: "A boba a day keeps the doctor away!", 
        image: "https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1010597628.6058/st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg", 
        price: 3, 
        title: "You Had Me At Boba Sticker", 
        description: "Boba Best Friends", 
        image: "https://image.spreadshirtmedia.com/image-server/v1/mp/products/T1459A839PA3861PT28D1031574701W8333H10000/views/1,width=800,height=800,appearanceId=839,backgroundColor=F2F2F2/you-had-me-at-boba-tea-sticker.jpg", 
        price: 3, 

export default products