
An unofficial Python SDK for MercadoLibre's Platform, but works.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

melisdk (MercadoLibre's Python SDK)

This is not the official Python SDK for MercadoLibre's Platform, but works. And you cant install it from PYPI.

PyPI version

How do I install it?

$ pip3 install melisdk

from the source

$ git clone https://github.com/dany2691/melisdk.git
$ cd melisdk
$ python3 setup.py install

How do I use it?

The first thing to do is to instance a Meli class. You'll need to give a clientId and a clientSecret. You can obtain both after creating your own application. For more information on this please read: creating an application

Including the Lib

Include the lib meli in your project


Don't forget to set the authentication URL of your country in file lib/config.ini

from melisdk import Meli

Start the development!

Create an instance of Meli class

Simple like this

meli = Meli(client_id=1234, client_secret="a secret")

With this instance you can start working on MercadoLibre's APIs.

There are some design considerations worth to mention.

  1. This SDK is just a thin layer on top of an http client to handle all the OAuth WebServer flow for you.

  2. There is JSON parsing. this SDK will include json for internal usage.

  3. If you already have the access_token and the refresh_token you can pass in the constructor

meli = Meli(client_id=1234, client_secret="a secret", access_token="Access_Token", refresh_token="Refresh_Token")

How do I redirect users to authorize my application?

This is a 2 step process.

First get the link to redirect the user. This is very easy! Just:

redirectUrl = meli.auth_url(redirect_URI="http://somecallbackurl")

This will give you the url to redirect the user. You need to specify a callback url which will be the one that the user will redirected after a successfull authrization process.

Once the user is redirected to your callback url, you'll receive in the query string, a parameter named code. You'll need this for the second part of the process.

meli.authorize(code="the received code", redirect_URI="http://somecallbackurl")

This will get an access_token and a refresh_token (is case your application has the offline_access) for your application and your user.

At this stage your are ready to make call to the API on behalf of the user.

Making GET calls

params = {'access_token' : meli.access_token}
response = meli.get(path="/users/me", params=params)

Making POST calls

params = {'access_token' : meli.access_token}

  #this body will be converted into json for you
body = {'foo'  : 'bar', 'bar' : 'foo'}

response = meli.post(path="/items", body=body, params=params)

Making PUT calls

params = {'access_token' : meli.access_token}

  #this body will be converted into json for you
body = {'foo'  : 'bar', 'bar' : 'foo'}

response = meli.put(path="/items/123", body=body, params=params)

Making DELETE calls

params = {'access_token' : meli.access_token}
response = meli.delete(path="/questions/123", params=params)

I want to contribute!

That is great! Just fork the project in github. Create a topic branch, write some code, and add some tests for your new code.

Thanks for helping!

Development setup

This project uses pipenv for dependecy resolution. It's a kind of mix between pip and virtualenv. Follow the next instructions to setup the development enviroment.

$ git clone https://github.com/dany2691/melisdk.git
$ cd melisdk
$ pipenv shell
$ pip3 install -e .

To run the test-suite, inside the melisdk directory:

$ python -m unittest -vv tests/test_meli.py


Daniel Omar Vergara Pérez – @dan1_netdaniel.omar.vergara@gmail.com



  1. Fork it (https://gitlab.com/hexagondata_projects/melisdk)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request