
A simple CLI to search a user's GitHub repositories.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A simple CLI to search a user's GitHub repositories.


After cloning the repository, you can create a binary from it by running the command:

$ go build

That would create a binary in your current directory with the name go-repos. If you want to rename the binary that is generated, you should add the -o binaryname to the build command e.g: go build -o hubsearch. A binary with the name hubsearch will be created.


$ go-repos danvixent -must -name go-repos -lang go -date 2020 -desc CLI -stars 0

    GitHub User danvixent has 1 matching Repositories:

    Respository Name    Description                                           Language  Creation Date
    -----               ------                                                ------    ------
    danvixent/go-repos  A simple CLI to search a user's GitHub repositories.  Go        March 17, 2020 12:54:11
Argument/Flag Usage
danvixent Username to search GitHub for
-must Print only Results that match all criteria, if absent, Repositories matching at least one criteria will be displayed
-name Name Of Repository to search for
-lang Language Base of Repository to Search for
-date Creation Date Of Repository to Search For
-desc Repository Description to Search For
-stars Number Of Respository Stars to search For