
Chrome App for the user interface of a voting session of the STAR-Vote system

Primary LanguageDart


Chrome App for the user interface of a voting session of the STAR-Vote system

To use in Windows:

Compilation for Devs

First, install pub and Dart. Easiest way to do this is to install Chocolatey -- this is shown on the Dart site whenever you decide to install the Dart SDK -- and use that to download the packages.

Then, run the following commands in the terminal, after cd'ing into the VoteBoxUI directory

pub build

xcopy /Y build\web\main.dart.js web\main.dart.js

Launch for Devs

"absolute\path\to\chrome.exe" --profile-directory=Default --app-id=WhateverYourAppIDIS "absolute\path\to\electionfile.xml"

To use in Mac OS X:

Compilation for Devs

First, install pub and Dart.

Second, make sure that Chrome is NOT running (you must QUIT out of it, either by right clicking or command-q; if it's still running, even if you closed every tab with command-w, it won't open the app correctly until you quit chrome first)

Third, run the following command in the terminal, after cd'ing into the VoteBoxUI directory

pub build

cp build/web/main.dart.js web/main.dart.js

Launch for Devs

open -a "/Path/To/Your/Google\ Chrome.app" -args -profile-directory=Default --app-id="WhateverYourAppIDIs" ~/Path/To/The/Elections/File/elections.xml

(If this is annoying to type over and over, you can automate it fairly easily:

Copy the shell script in the launchScripts directory, and replace the file path to Chrome, the file path to this folder (there are two of them you need to replace!) and the appid with whatever they are for your computer.

Just run the new shell script that you created by doing this from inside this directory.

For me, this means just typing the following into the terminal: sh launchScripts/macOSXClayton.sh


master is the current production developer setup for integration with STAR-Vote

PsycTestable is the branch used for developing a vote-flipping testable version of the master branch for the psychology department at Rice