
General purpose pluggable XAML compiler with no runtime dependencies.

Primary LanguageC#


General purpose pluggable XAML compiler with no runtime dependencies.

This is work in progress, the current goal is to reach feature parity with Portable.Xaml for the purposes of Avalonia project and add features missing in Portable.Xaml (e. g. UsableDuringInitialization)


Implemented features

  • Direct convertion of XML to objects (instantiation, setting properties, setting attached properties)
  • Create / Populate semantics
  • Implicit type converting for types with static T Parse(string, [IFormatProvider]) method (e. g. int, double, TimeSpan, etc)
  • Support for [Content] attribute both for direct content and for collections
  • Support for collections themselves (e. g. <List x:TypeArguments="sys:String"></List>)
  • x:Arguments Directive
  • x:TypeArguments Directive
  • Markup extensions with extension point for handling non-convertable values at runtime (e. g. Binding)
  • Duck-typing for markup extensions, following signatures are checked for markup extension detection (T is anything that's not System.Object):
T ProvideValue();
T ProvideValue(IServiceProvider provider);
object ProvideValue();
object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider provider);

If strongly typed markup extension overload is available, it's used to avoid unnecessary casts and boxing

  • x:Null Markup Extension (intrinsic: ldnull)
  • x:Type Markup Extension (intrinsic: ldtoken + Type.FromRuntimeHandle)
  • x:Static Markup Extension (intrinsic: properties (call get_PropName), fields (ldsfld), constants/enums (ldc_*/ldstr)
  • IRootObjectProvider
  • Support for mc:Ignorable
  • xml:space Handling in XAML (automatically via XmlReader)


The flow looks like this:

  1. Parse XAML into some basic AST (we can use different language markup parser at this point, like C#/VB in Roslyn)
  2. Transform AST via visitors. At this stage types get resolved, property values get transformed either in setting properties or collection access, etc
  3. Emit IL code

Features to implement (TODO)

These are questinable fo

  • IXamlTypeResolver
  • IXamlNameResolver
  • IXamlNamespaceResolver

These directives are framework-specific and can be implemented via custom transformers/emitters

  • x:Property Directive fwspec
  • x:Uid Directive fwspec
  • x:XData Intrinsic XAML Type fwspec
  • x:Shared Attribute fwspec
  • x:Class Directive fwspec
  • x:Subclass Directive fwspec
  • x:ClassModifier Directive fwspec
  • x:FieldModifier Directive fwspec
  • x:Member Directive fwspec
  • x:Members Directive fwspec

Won't fix:

  • IXamlSchemaContextProvider: we don't have a schema context at run time
  • IAmbientProvider - we don't have "xaml type system" at run time, only plain CLR types

Future: x:Code Intrinsic XAML Type (probably use Roslyn to inline C# code)