Lyrics from Image
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Deployed Architecture
Colab Outputs
Test it out yourself
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Headers: Content-Type: application/json
- Body:
{"url": "https://<your_image_url>", "seed": "<text to start the song with>"}
Example response:
"image_url": ",1200&w=1800",
"predicted_class": "zappa",
"predicted_lyrics": " I his gonna along around all me\r\n twirly see up can\r\n doggie speak tu going long like\r\n in a might speak\r\n his gonna crop get now i\r\n his gonna along around all me\r\n twirly see up can\r\n doggie speak tu going long like\r\n in a might speak\r\n his gonna crop get now i\r\n his gonna along around all me\r\n twirly see up can\r\n doggie speak tu going long like\r\n in a might speak\r\n his gonna crop get now i\r\n his gonna along around all me\r\n twirly see up "