Express Coding Challenge

To set up the demo, add the following to mongo:

$ mongo dancockatiel

db.institutions.remove({}) db.books.remove({}) db.users.remove({}) db.institutions.insert( { _id: ObjectId("5be203032f47809e3d9dcdf4"), name:"Danstitution", url:"", "domain":"" } ); db.books.insert( { _id: ObjectId("5be203032f47809e3847cdf4"), isbn: '9780140903799', title: 'Zen and the Magic of Roundabout maintenance : a brief history of time (for bed)', author: 'Roger Planer', institutions: [ ObjectId("5be203032f47809e3d9dcdf4") ] } )

To run the demo, install using npm install and npm start.

To run linting and unit tests of the routes, npm test.

To run a couple of sample integration tests, run the above mongo and run npm run test:integration. Mongo will need resetting before each run.