Cubix operating system for various 6809 homebrew systems

Primary LanguageAssembly


This is a port of the excellent CUBIX operating system by Dave Dunfield for various homebrew SBCs.

Supported SBCs include:

  • Andrew Lynch's Nhyodyne and Duodyne systems
  • Retrobrewcomputers.org's 6x0x system (todo)

More information about Dunfield Development services is included in the dunfield_cubix_info folder in this repo.

Dunfield Development Services (DDS) offers software and firmware development services specializing in systems and embedded applications. For more information, visit: https://dunfield.themindfactory.com/

CUBIX Operating System Version 1.5

CUBIX is a stand alone ROM based disk operating system for the 6809 processor. It provides many "big system" features on hardware which can be constructed from a handfull of chips.

CUBIX Features:

  • Rom based (8K including I/O drivers) for instant access.
  • Portable, easily implemented on any 6809 system.
  • Integral command line interpreter can be invoked from within application programs.
  • Built in command file language allows "programs" to be written using CUBIX commands and utilities as statements.
  • Over 100 system calls provide a built in library of common I/O, file access and utility functions.
  • Includes many utility programs for manipulation and diagnostics of files, directories and disks.
  • Any device driver (including disks) can be installed or replaced via system calls at any time.

Included applications:

  • Powerful screen (window) text editor.
  • 6809 Assembler.
  • 6809 debugger.
  • Micro APL interpreter.
  • Micro C compiler.
  • Micro FORTH compiler.
  • Intel 8080 simulator with integrated debugger.

New SSRs

  • 111 get drive table
  • 112 get drive parameters table

To Do List for this port:

  • add support for front panel display (Duodyne)
  • add support for DiskIO SD card (Duodyne)
  • add support for DiskIO flash (Duodyne)
  • add support for ROMRAM flash (Duodyne)
  • add support for MultiIO card (Duodyne) (USB/Serial/Parallel/SD/Keyboard/Mouse)
  • Enable Cubix FLOPPY Format Function (Duodyne/Nhyodyne)
  • Fix XMODEM CRC problem(R) and file length problem(S)
  • convert Xmodem EXEs to S19s
  • convert Assign EXE to S19s
  • DSKY V1 support (Duodyne/Nhyodyne)
  • DSKY functions should abort if no DSKY is there.
  • ESP32 support (Duodyne/Nhyodyne)
  • TMS VDP support (Duodyne/Nhyodyne)
  • color VDU support (Duodyne/Nhyodyne)
  • RTC and NVRAM support (Duodyne/Nhyodyne)
  • add support for DiskIO ethernet (Duodyne)
  • Microsoft Basic
  • Pull Dunfield MONITOR code from Duodyne repo into this one
  • 6x0x Version

Memory Map:

Standard Cubix memory Map:
            $0000-$1FFF - I/O devices (Incl. memory mapped video etc).
            $2000-$DFFF - Random Access Memory.
            $E000-$FFFF - CUBIX Operating System ROM

Significant Bank 0 Fixed Nhyodyne Device Driver Storage Locations:
CONSOLEDEVICE   = $0100          (BYTE)
DSKY_BUF        = $01EA          (8 BYTES)
DSKY_HEXBUF     = $01F3          (4 BYTES)
DISKERROR       = $01F7          (BYTE)            
CURRENTHEAD     = $01F8          (BYTE)
CURRENTCYL      = $01F9          (BYTE)
CURRENTSEC      = $01FA          (BYTE)
CURRENTDEVICE   = $01FB          (BYTE)
CURRENTSLICE    = $01FC          (WORD)
farpointer      = $01FE          (WORD)

Nhyodyne Map:
            $0000-$00FF - FREE WORKING RAM
            $0100       - CONSOLEDEVICE
            $0101-$01E9 - FREE WORKING RAM
            $01EA-$01F2 - DSKY_BUF
            $01F3-$01F6 - DSKY_HEXBUF
            $01F7       - DISKERROR       
            $01F8       - CURRENTHEAD     
            $01F9       - CURRENTCYL      
            $01FA       - CURRENTSEC      
            $01FB       - CURRENTDEVICE   
            $01FC       - CURRENTSLICE    
            $01FE       - farpointer      
            $0200-$02FF - PAGER CODE
            $0300-$04FF - DISK BUFFER
            $0500-$05FF - Memory Mapped IO
            $0600-$1FFF - FREE WORKING RAM
            $2000-$DBFF - Application Random Access Memory.     
            $DC00-$DFFF - OS LOCAL STORAGE   
            $E000-$F944 - CUBIX Operating System 
            $F945-$FEFF - CUBIX Low Memory Device Drivers

Duodyne Map:
            $0000-$00FF - FREE WORKING RAM
            $0100       - CONSOLEDEVICE
            $0101-$01E9 - FREE WORKING RAM
            $01EA-$01F2 - DSKY_BUF
            $01F3-$01F6 - DSKY_HEXBUF
            $01F7       - DISKERROR       
            $01F8       - CURRENTHEAD     
            $01F9       - CURRENTCYL      
            $01FA       - CURRENTSEC      
            $01FB       - CURRENTDEVICE   
            $01FC       - CURRENTSLICE    
            $01FE       - farpointer      
            $0200-$02FF - PAGER CODE
            $0300-$0500 - DISK BUFFER
            $0501-$0FFF - FREE WORKING RAM
            $1000-$13FF - OS LOCAL STORAGE   
            $1400-$1FFF - FREE WORKING RAM
            $2000-$DBFF - Application Random Access Memory.     
            $DC00-$DEFF - OS LOCAL STORAGE   
            $DF00-$DFFF - Memory Mapped IO
            $E000-$F944 - CUBIX Operating System 
            $F945-$FEFF - CUBIX Low Memory Device Drivers

Setting up a new filesystem

Cubix supports four concurrent drives A,B,C and D.

Default drive configuration for Cubix can be found at the bottom of the respective drivers.asm file and is in the following format:

        FCB     $21,$00                           ; TABLE IS DRIVE TYPE, SLICE OFFSET
        FCB     $21,$01                           ; DRIVE IDS ARE $00=NONE, $1x=FLOPPY, $2X=PPIDE, $3x=FPSD
        FCB     $35,$00                           ; LOW NIBBLE IS DEVICE ADDRESS (Device address+$20 for FPSD)
        FCB     $11,$00                           ; SLICE OFFSET IS THE UPPER 8 BITS OF THE DRIVE LBA ADDRESS
                                                  ; ALLOWING IDE DRIVES TO HOST UP TO 256 VIRTUAL DRIVES PER PHYSICAL DRIVE

Note that the above drive table is configured for a secondary IDE address and for floppy drive 1.

The ASSIGN.EXE program can be used to remap drives in real time.

A disk image (CUBIX_DISK.IMG) is provided in this repo that can be unzipped and written to a device to bootstrap the system. It conformes to the default drive mapping table above. Cubix HDDs are configured as 32mb drives, therfore at least a 32mb drive is required without altering the disk geometry.

more information on Cubix drives and directories can be found in the Cubix user documentation in this repo.

Starting Cubix from CP/M

Cubix can be started from CP/M by launching the cubix.com file located in the bin folder for each respective system.

Cubix can also be started by uploading the cubix.s19 file located in the bin folder for each respective system. Then transferring control to $1000.

Using the Front Panel SD interface

In order for the front panel SD interface to be used, the front panel ATTINY chip needs to be flashed with the "Duodyne SD card I2C to SD" firmware with the I2C address set to 0x25. Note that if there is more than one Front Panel in the system (attached to different processor cards), each I2C address must be unique. Cubix can be configured to use any front panel in the 0x25-0x27 range. See the instructions with the firmware for more information on how to configure the firmware and setup image files for use on the SD card.