The WE816 is a 16-bit 65816 based system with 512K of System RAM, 96K of System ROM, 32K of video RAM, a TMS9918 graphics processor and an AY-3-8910 Sound chip. The system runs a custom version of BASIC and supports commodore compatible IEC disk drives.
- b-dontProCern Technology Solutions
- chadsyThe Trade Desk
- denjhangDenjiang's OSHW
- docolliday
- FredericSegardMontreal, QC, Canada
- GaryLuck
- JettMonstersGoBoom@MonstersGoBoom
- jpbileySF Bay Area, CA, USA
- Kiri39
- lynchaj
- markemer@ionic-team at @OutSystems
- McNeightSt. Louis, MO
- msx-solis
- nrivardAmsterdam, NL
- pedroskw
- piso77
- SherpaPierpaROME, ITALY
- smokkuXiaoka.com
- stacemasterface
- tedchowardDallas, TX
- tim1724Harvey Mudd College
- wchundakBig Bear Lake, CA
- wwarthenFallbrook, CA