A PHP framework that strives to make programming very complex applications a breeze. It is highly modeled after CodeIgniter. The main difference being with this framework you are always dealing with object regardless where you are in the code. There are also HUGE improvements to database interactions. I have worked overtime making all kinds of goodies including making relational abject extremely simple with multiple ways to achieve the same goal. This framework really focuses on flexibility in coding styles by lending itself to a myriad of programming styles, if you like building objects with the hasMany, hasOne, hasManyAndBelongsToMany systems this can handle it, if you prefer, like I do, to make it much simpler by ensuring that relations make sense and a Bar object that relates to a Foo object will have Bar->Foo_id then you can use the ever so simple magic method Foo::get_related('Bar') and poof, relational objects. The other main advantage to point out is a programming debut(at least from what I have seen), with ARDO, or Automagic Relational Database Objects. With a simple $this->relates[] = array('Foo' => 'Bar'); you will get magic! if that is declared in your class when you call new Foo(1) that will automagically give you the Foo object with an id = 1 from the database, while at the same time, in the same query. giving

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This is still very much in development and not
ready to run a site on. If you would like to
help out there are many things I could use help
with including fleshing out the cache a little
more, building some helper classes to help with
html, javascript, css, and whatever else.
Feel free to ask.

##Installation and Configuraion If you are looking for installation and configuration instructions you should head on over to the wiki pages, everything you need is there. For a fast and dirty version, here you go.

First step is to pull the repo to your server root directory. Next you are going to want to open up the /application/config/site_config.php and update the information in the config array to match your site setting, i.e. the database configuration and your prefered output method. After that stuff is done, you are going to want to create a new database in your MySQL installation, named the same as what you put into the config, and load in the framework.sql file, to setup the base tables for the framework and the sample sites info. Once all that is done... go forth and build.

##Quick overview A PHP framework that strives to make programming very complex applications a breeze. It is highly modeled after CodeIgniter. The main differences being with this framework you are always dealing with object regardless where you are in the code, the relational mapping for your object are coded in a way that allows you to program relationships with extreme ease and in any manner you want, and there are massive improvements on the database interactions. There are autoloaders that allow you to never worry about using require or anything else, there are multiple hooks throughout the entire framework allowing you to completely customize the way the framework runs and handles object so you get to interact and code exactly how you want to not how the framework tells you to, and there are tons of magic goodies throughout making extremely complex relationships a breeze with functions like get _ related, where Foo::get_related('Bar'); would give you mapped out objects of related Bars that Foo needs, as well as a new Database interaction model I call ARDO, or Automagic Relational Database Objects. A new way of making the most complex relationships easily built and configured with a single call and zero extra work to the coder. Quick example is in your class you would grab one of the many hooks before_construction and tell it what the related object is, in Car objects before_construction method just write $this->relates['Car'] = 'Tire'; and poof when you retrieve the Car object from the database it will automagically include the related Tire object. Another helpful feature is the retrieve method, calling $car = new Car(1); will give you the Car object from the database where the primary key = 1. Combine that with the ARDO system and with a single line of code $car = new Car(1); you have your car obhect built from the database and the related Tire objects, and not only is it all done in one line of code, but also in one single query, seriously lowering the applications footprint giving you an extremely fast, extremely light wieght application that builds out the most complex relationships in a snap. Give it a try, you know you want to.