Public Key Neural Linguistic Steganography

This code is built on top of the implementations of the steganography algorithms from "Neural Linguistic Steganography," Zachary M. Ziegler*, Yuntian Deng*, Alexander M. Rush.

There is a breaking change in pytorch 1.2, make sure to use pytorch 1.0 as in requirements.txt.

Language model

Experiments in the paper use the medium (345M parameter) GPT model via pytorch_transformers. For compute reasons the default in this code base is the small version but the medium or large versions can be used by changing the model_name parameter of get_model.


The steganography algorithms implemented are:

  1. Our proposed arithmetic coding-based algorithm
  2. The Huffman algorithm from RNN-Stega: Linguistic Steganography Based on Recurrent Neural Networks
  3. The binning algorithm from Generating Steganographic Text with LSTMs

An example of encoding and decoding a message is in The algorithm used is determined by the mode parameter.

To run the Flask app

In Terminal, type export Then, flask run.