
A boilerplate web app using axum, htmx, and tera (for templating). Demonstrates how these technologies can be used in tandem.

Primary LanguageRust

Rust/Axum/Htmx/AlpineJs/Tera/Tailwind Web Dev Yeehaw

To Build Javascript Dependencies (Htmx and Alpine Js)

npm install
npm run build

esbuild is used to bundle all dependencies. Dependencies can be added to app.js and they will be bundle automatically.

For Tailwind CSS Purging/Watching:

npx tailwindcss -i ./ui/assets/tailwind.css -o ./dist/output.css --watch

For Hot Reloading

  1. Install cargo watch watchtower
  2. Run
cargo watch -x run

Templating with Tera

The templating engine used is Tera. It looks similar to Jinja, supports the injection of common components (nav, footer, etc), and supports componentization through the use of macros.

Docs can be found here.