
Extensions to Active Record for dealing with storing currency. Compatible with Active Merchant.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Provides a class to represent currency which allows simple mathematical and comparison operations, a means of tying it into ActiveRecord, several convenience methods for working with money and a Simple ForEx framework. 

The Money Class

To create an instance of money:

  ten_dollars = ActsAsMoney::Money.new(1000, 'USD')
  5_pounds = 5.GBP # a simple shortcut
  10.GBP / 2 => 5.GBP
  10.GBP > 5.GBP => true

To define fields in an active record object as holding money add amount and currency fields to your database then:

  class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base
    acts_as_money :price, 
                  :amount => :name_of_amount_field, 
                  :currency => :name_of_currency_field
    # the options default to 'amount' and 'currency' repectively
You rather than having fields in your DB you can just create methods in your model:

  class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base
    acts_as_money :price,
                  :currency => :event_currency
    def event_currency
Your model now has a virtual field that you can get and set using Money objects.


Write a ForEx service class that inherits from ActsAsMoney::Forex::Service and retrieves rates from your desired source.  See lib/services/ecb.rb for an example.  You can then assign this service to the Money class to be used for exchange:

  ActsAsMoney::Money.exchange_rate_service = MyForexService.new

Now you can use various methods to perform exchange between currencies:

  Money.new(454, 'USD').convert_to('GBP')
  Money.new(465778, 'GBP').to_THB # a shortcut equivalent

Maths operations will also perform and implicit transform the currency of the first item if done on mixed currencies:

  10.GBP - 560.THB => answer in GBP
  50.USD + 1.GBP => answer in USD
All feedback, patches etc to dan@danwebb.net

Copyright (c) 2007 Dan Webb, released under the MIT license