- andycaseyMonash University
- astrobattyPrinceton University
- astrogewgawNational Centre for Radio Astrophysics
- awmannUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- christopherburkeSETI Institute / NASA Ames Research Center
- cosmicoderCalifornia Institute of Technology
- danheyUniversity of Hawai'i
- DanielAndreasen@MOMA-AUH @iastro-pt
- dfmNYC
- fan123-zhang
- gullyUT Austin Astronomy
- HNLala
- hpparviInstituto de AstrofĂsica de Canarias (IAC)
- Jieyu126Australia National University
- jsobeckCaltech IPAC
- JYoonCHeidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
- lgbouma
- lshunsLeiden Observatory
- lxkghcjt
- mason-macdougall
- megbedell
- mjoyceGRCSFK Konkoly Observatory
- mrawls@lsst @lsst-dm @dirac-institute @iausathub
- mtyhon
- parallelpro
- samuelyeewlCambridge, MA
- schristopheNantes, France
- spycewyrm
- superdreamlinerBrown University