This code simulates solar-like dipole oscillations for any given input set of stellar parameters, rotation period and inclination using a stochastically excited and damped harmonic oscillator model and scaling observed properties for the Sun. The core methodology follows Chaplin et al. 1997 ( - please cite this paper if using the code.
; star parameters
rad=1.0 ; stellar radius in Rsun
teff=5800. ; effective temperature in K.
rotperiod=2. ; rotation period days.
inclination=45. ; stellar inclination in degrees.
mass=1.0 ; stellar mass in Msun (optional, gives more accurate amplitude estimate).
; timeseries parameters
length=100. ; timeseries length in days
hrs=24. ; duty cycle (hours per day)
spl=1. ; sampling in minutes
rmsnoise=100.0 ; white noise in ppm
ts_noisefree.txt: timeseries without noise added
ts_noise.txt: timeseries with noise added
psd_noisefree.txt: power density spectrum without noise added
psd_noise.txt: power density spectrum with noise added
.compile sim