
Swift iOS Application for viewing latest formula1 standings and searching Eargast database

Primary LanguageSwift

Iphone application written using Swift, UIKit, and RxSwift. To run in xcode you should run "pod install" first, and open .xcworkspace file instead of .xcodeproj. App sends requests to Ergast API. First tab shows current year winners alongside race names. On tap app displays Race details view. Details include date, driver standings, and on tap shows wiki page for driver or race. Archive tab includes a picker view on top with ability to select season year and position.

Screenshots: Simulator-Screen-Shot-i-Phone-11-2021-10-18-at-11-30-09 Simulator-Screen-Shot-i-Phone-11-2021-10-18-at-11-30-14 Simulator-Screen-Shot-i-Phone-11-2021-10-18-at-11-30-18 Video Demo: https://youtu.be/J3NTnnUSua0