
A MatLab code add-on that provides mouse zoom & pan functionality for 2D images.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


A MATLAB code plugin that provides mouse zoom & pan functionality for 2D images.

The function adds instant mouse zoom (mouse wheel) and pan (mouse drag) capabilities to figures, designed for displaying 2D images in applications (e.g. GUIDE) that require lots of drag & zoom.


  • Minimalistic, tries not to get in your way.
  • Designed to mimic behavior from common image viewers.
  • Prevents the user from zooming out when the image is smaller than the Figure.
  • User cannot zoom or drag the image outside of the Figure.
  • Improved panning method to deal with MATLAB's lack of anti-aliasing (no deformation on high zoom level).
  • Lets you add callback functions for the mouse ButtonDown / ButtonUp events (you don't lose control).
  • Lots of configuration options.


After adding the imgzoompan.m file to your project, you can use the imgzoompan() function.

imgzoompan(hfig, options): will add the zoom & pan functionality to the figure handler provided (right click for pan, wheel scroll for zoom, wheel press to reset), followed by an optional arbitrary number of options in the usual Matlab format (pairs of: 'OptionName', OptionValue).

Configuration options:

Although everything is optional, it's recommended to at least provide the image dimensions (ImgWidth, ImgHeight) for full drag & zoom functionality.

Zoom configuration:

  • Magnify: General magnitication factor. 1.0 or greater (default: 1.1). A value of 2.0 solves the zoom & pan deformations caused by MATLAB's (awful) embedded image resize method.
  • XMagnify: Magnification factor of X axis (default: 1.0).
  • YMagnify: Magnification factor of Y axis (default: 1.0).
  • ChangeMagnify: Relative increase of the magnification factor. 1.0 or greater (default: 1.1).
  • IncreaseChange: Relative increase in the ChangeMagnify factor. 1.0 or greater (default: 1.1).
  • MinValue: Sets the minimum value for Magnify, ChangeMagnify and IncreaseChange (default: 1.1).
  • MaxZoomScrollCount: Maximum number of scroll zoom-in steps; might need adjustements depending on your image dimensions & Magnify value (default: 30).

Pan configuration:

  • ImgWidth: Original image pixel width. A value of 0 disables the functionality that prevents the user from dragging and zooming outside of the image (default: 0).
  • ImgHeight: Original image pixel height (default: 0).

Mouse options and callbacks:

  • PanMouseButton: Mouse button used for panning: 1: left, 2: right, 3: middle. A value of 0 disables this functionality (default: 2).
  • ResetMouseButton: Mouse button used for resetting zoom & pan: 1: left, 2: right, 3: middle. A value of 0 disables this functionality (default: 3).
  • ButtonDownFcn: Mouse button down function callback. Receives a function reference to your custom ButtonDown handler, which will be executed before zoom & pan. Your function must have the arguments (hObject, event) and will work as described in Matlab's documentation for 'WindowButtonDownFcn'. (See examples/example2.m). Notice that this and the ButtonUpFcn callback are triggered from the Figure, so if you display the image in an Axis or some other element, you can use their callbacks instead (See examples/example3.m).
  • ButtonUpFcn: Mouse button up function callback. Works the same way as the 'ButtonDownFcn' option.

Zoom & Pan behaviour:

The magnification along the X axis is given by the formula

        Magnify * XMagnify

and analogously for the Y axis. Whether zooming in (incrementing the distance between data points) or zooming out (decrementing the distance between data points) depends on the direction of rotation of the mouse wheel.

Callback behavior & tips:

  • All mouse events are captured at the Figure object (which might not be the element you use to display your image).
  • This code modifies the WindowScrollWheelFcn, WindowButtonDownFcn and WindowButtonUpFcn callback functions in your Figure, loosing any previous functionality. If needed, use the ButtonDownFcn and ButtonUpFcn to add functionality without losing zoom & pan.
  • If you use imgshow() or image() to display an image in an element (e.g. an Axes object), these functions change many properties of your object and will clear your callbacks. Make sure you add the callbacks programatically after calling said functions, as shown in examples/example3.m.

Usage and examples:

Default behavior is to zoom with mouse wheel and drag with right button (can be modified using configuration options). A simple use case of loading and showing an image looks as follows:

Img = imread('myimage.jpg');
[h, w, ~] = size(Img);
imgzoompan(gca, 'ImgWidth', w, 'ImgHeight', h);

The following code examples are included:

  • example1.m Shows the most basic use case: load and display an image.
  • example2.m: Adds custom mouse button callbacks to the root Figure (all clicks captured).
  • example3.m: Adds a custom mouse button callback to the image object shown in the Axes (only captures clicks in visible parts of the image).


  • Hugo Eyherabide (Hugo.Eyherabide@cs.helsinki.fi) as this project uses his code (FileExchange: zoom_wheel) as reference for zooming functionality.
  • E. Meade Spratley for his mouse panning example (FileExchange: MousePanningExample).
  • Alex Burden for his technical and emotional support.

Send code updates, bug reports and comments to: Dany Cabrera (dcabrera@uvic.ca)


Copyright (c) 2018, Dany Alejandro Cabrera Vargas, University of Victoria, Canada, published under BSD license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php).