
A Toll Parking Library

Primary LanguageJava


A Toll Parking Library

This JAVA project provides a base API of a toll parking.


The application is used to manage a toll parking.

It has functionalities to insert or remove a car into/from parking slots.

There are functionalities to bill the customer while getting out.


Java 8+ & Maven

IntelliJ editor is recommended


Open the project and build the code with

mvn clean install

A jar file will be generated in target/TollParkingLibrary-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Include the jar in your project by following this guide (for IntelliJ)

An example:

Including the jar file into IntelliJ

Code example

After integrating the jar library into your project, you are ready to use it. A small exaple code of the library is showed:

import com.danybr.tollParkingLibrary.model.car.Car;

public class TestTollParking {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws
            WrongInputException, PowerException, InterruptedException, WrongDateException {
        // Create an empty arraylist of slots
        ArrayList<Slot> slots = new ArrayList<Slot>();
        // Add an Electric slot with 20 kW adapter  
        slots.add(new ElectricSlot("E-20"));

        // Create a parking with base pricing policy, where price is 2 euro per hour
        TollParking parking = new TollParking(slots, new PricingPolicyHour(2));
        // Create an electric car 
        Car cElectric20 = new ElectricCar(20);

        // Add the car in the parking, it is stored and the timestamp is saved.
        // Wait 65 seconds
        // Removing the car from the parking, calculating the time difference and billing the customer.
        // Once inside, the customer pays at least one hour 



All API documentation is available as JavaDoc.

It is contained in the TollParkingLibraryJavaDoc folder. To view the documentation simply download the repository and open the index.html file in folder TollParkingLibraryJavaDoc with any browser.