
FlexiSync is a shell script that uses rsync to synchronize files between local and remote directories. Users can transfer files to and from remote locations through the "push" and "pull" keywords in the script parameters.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

FlexiSync - Sync Shell Utility

This shell script utility provides a simple and flexible way to synchronize files between local and remote locations. It supports both "push" and "pull" operations to and from local and remote directories. The script also includes a --dry-run feature for previewing the synchronization without making any actual changes.


The general syntax for running the script is:

./sync.sh [config_name] [push|pull] [remote|local] [run]

Commands and Options

  • config_name: Specifies the configuration profile to use.
  • push | pull: Determines the direction of the synchronization:
    • push: Send files from the local system to the remote system.
    • pull: Retrieve files from the remote system to the local system.
  • remote | local: Specifies the target environment:
    • remote: Target is a remote system.
    • local: Target is the local system.
  • run: Optional. Execute the synchronization process. If omitted, the script will perform a dry run (--dry-run).


Synchronize Local to Remote

  • Preview Mode: Perform a trial run to see what changes would be made without actually applying them.

    ./sync.sh config_name push remote
  • Execute Sync: Run the synchronization process.

    ./sync.sh config_name push remote run

Synchronize Remote to Local

  • Preview Mode: Simulate the execution of a sync without making any changes.

    ./sync.sh config_name pull remote
  • Execute Sync: Run the synchronization process.

    ./sync.sh config_name pull remote run

Synchronize Local to Local

  • Preview Mode: Preview the synchronization between local directories.

    ./sync.sh config_name push local
    ./sync.sh config_name pull local
  • Execute Sync: Run the synchronization process.

    ./sync.sh config_name push local run
    ./sync.sh config_name pull local run

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

  2. create a sync profile in config/enabled folder.

    cp -v config/enabled/example.conf config/enabled/my-backup-to-nas.conf
  3. Configure your synchronization profiles my-backup-to-nas.conf in the script settings according to your needs.

  4. Use the commands to start syncing your files.

      ./sync.sh my-backup-to-nas push remote

Execute Script Within a Pipeline

An example of a GitHub Actions workflow.

name: Sync repo to remote

      - release-production

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Clone FlexiSync repository
      run: |
        git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/danydavila/FlexiSync.git

    - name: Setup SSH
      run: |
        mkdir -p ~/.ssh
        echo "${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
        chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
        ssh-keyscan -H "${{ secrets.SSH_HOSTNAME_IP }}" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
        chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts

    - name: Rsync files
      run: |
      export SRC_BASEPATH="git_repo/dist/";
      export REMOTE_DEST_HOSTNAME="${{ secrets.SSH_USERNAME }}";
      export REMOTE_DEST_USERNAME="${{ secrets.SSH_HOSTNAME_IP }}";
      export REMOTE_DEST_PORT=22;
      export REMOTE_DEST_IDENTITYKEY=~/.ssh/id_rsa
      export REMOTE_DEST_BASEPATH="/var/www/public";
      export PUSH_BACKUPLIST_PATH="cicd_git_repo/files_to_push_list.txt";
      export PUSH_EXCLUTIONLIST_PATH="cicd_git_repo/ignore_files_list.txt";
      export PULL_BACKUPLIST_PATH="cicd_git_repo/files_to_push_list.txt";
      export PULL_EXCLUTIONLIST_PATH="cicd_git_repo/ignore_files_list.txt";
      bash `pwd`/FlexiSync/sync.sh cli-config push remote run


Contributions to improve the script or fix issues are welcome. Please submit a pull request or open an issue if you have suggestions or encounter problems.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.